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WINZO Creates A Unique And Beautiful Genre Of Her Own

After years of struggling to find a genre of music that perfectly encapsulated her true musical self, WINZO decided to pave her avenue to a genre she calls "Trouba-Pop." This subgenre of pop music elaborates on traditional pop sounds while styling her lyrics to create an "audio escapade," unleashing the colors of her musical kaleidoscope to wash over her listeners.

This troubadour of sound creates her records following intuition towards a sense for a particular melody. After feeling comfortable in a particular tone, WINZO then pairs it to a theory she uses as a vehicle to connect with her fans.

WINZO's blend of vivid ancestral roots combined with life experiences, love of nature, and fascination with meteorological phenomena, provide WINZO creative inspiration, which fuels her dreamy soundscapes. Never compromising on a creative concept, WINZO sets her standards that allow her to develop far-reaching areas of sound she proudly coins as her own.



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