Sultry R&B and Pop Artist, AWAL expresses a heartfelt message in her melodic new single, “Show Me Love.”
Hailing from Central Pennsylvania, but based out of New York City, AWAL has a knack for taking her life experiences with bias and microaggressions and allowing them to fuel her fire.
Being adopted by two pastors and growing up as one of the only black girls in town, AWAL has a burning passion to be heard and represented in a world that doesn’t see you for what’s inside first.
AWAL fuses her upbringing and real-life experience into the unique sound that she has carefully crafted for herself. She showcases her artistic talents in a way that empowers the listener, makes you groove to the music, and allows you to tap into your inner self-confidence.
“Show Me Love,” has a sizzling sound that entrances you with the instrumentation almost immediately. The smooth and sultry vibes of this jam create a hybrid fusion between the genres of R&B and Electro Pop throughout the mesmerizing progression of the song. AWAL has a heavenly way of vocalizing the well-crafted lyrics she sings regarding that special person in your life that sees you for more than what you are on the surface all while giving you the love and attention that you truly deserve.
The chilling harmonies exuded by AWAL display the love and desire she carries within herself. With a clear and present representation of a message that goes a long way in today’s society, AWAL truly leaves it all on the table as she transports us into a wistful utopia through her euphoric conveyance.
AWAL stays showing us why she is garnering the attention that she does. Her performance is nothing short of exceptional in, “Show Me Love,” and we can’t wait to hear what this up and coming artist has in store for us next.
Congratulations on the release of, “Show Me Love” and thank you for being with us at BuzzMusic, AWAL. With such a lovely message in your latest single, could you please take us into the creative process of, “Show Me Love?"
Having any sort of relationship in NYC is challenging; Whether it’s romantically or platonic. Things are constantly changing and no one ever slows down. In any relationship, it comes down to communication. How do you show your love? How do you communicate your feelings? What’s your love language? Drawing from all the crazy dating situations I’ve had, Show Me Love is my reflection on how I value the people I let in and show me, love.
What is your favorite lyric that you pen in, “Show Me Love”? What does it mean to you?
My favorite lyric is definitely “Better change your attitude or that’s it we’re through.”
I used to work with kids and a phrase I would use often was “Change your attitude." So I started using it on the regular and this guy I was seeing- Every time we were together, he would pick a fight or try to argue about something. He would do it just for fun and to get a rise out of me. So, I would always say better to change your attitude or... bye! I did, in fact, say bye lol.
Could you please take us into what the studio session looked like when recording, “Show Me Love?"
When I recorded Show Me, Love, it was during the pandemic in NYC and the peak of protests in support of Black Lives Matter. I had been on the frontlines for a while and I really burnt out. I needed to do something creative or I thought I was going to have a meltdown. It was the first time I had ever worked with my engineer (MixedByNess, check him out) and I was nervous about being in the studio with someone new. We ended up clicking and I was able to explore the song in a new way since I wrote it. No one could see me in the booth and I was able to breathe and sing unapologetically. It was such a weight lifted off of me to be able to step foot in a booth and sing again.
When finding out that music is your ultimate passion in life, what are some challenges that you had to overcome before this realization became present?
I started out in Musical Theatre and that’s why I moved to NYC. I have always been very passionate about performing and knew I would work to make it my career. I never felt like I fit into the musical theatre world. I’m not a dancer, my voice is low and raspy, and I am a Black woman. The roles and playing field aren’t as clear. It caused a huge identity crisis. My health started to shift in the past two years and auditioning was wearing me out. I started writing and when I stepped into the booth I was like wait... I get to sing... I get to sing notes in my range and lyrics that I won’t forget because I wrote to them! My first performance at Sofar Sounds was definitely the realization for me that this was the journey for me (Shout out to Schitt's Creek).
What has been keeping you inspired in 2020 and what can we expect to see from you as we go into 2021
2020.... it’s a challenge, yeah? Our world is in the middle of a pandemic and our country is drowning in racial unrest. What’s keeping me inspired is seeing everyone fighting, getting out to vote, and getting involved in their community. It’s more important than ever to stay involved and uplifting each other. I don’t know what will happen in 2021 but I know I will keep using my platform and music as a way to advocate for others. Definitely can expect more music and my first EP!