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Bronwyn Silk Sweeps Us Off Our Feet With The Melody Of "Nobody Likes You"

Bronwyn Silk is the pop artist that will make you fall in love with pop (even if you never thought it was possible). Straight out of Los Angeles, CA, Bronwyn has been writing her music from a very young age, as the best musicians do. Her debut single has only released this year, and she's already had one of her tracks reach over 1,000,000 streams. As impressed as we are with Bronwyn's accomplishments thus far as an artist, we're even more impressed with her actual sound, as upon hearing her music, we know she's an authentic pop artist, not just some artist conforming to pop stylings.

Soft guitar riffs are what immediately introduces you to Bronwyn Silk's latest single "Nobody Likes You". Her genuine and honest voice is what follows next. Perfectly capturing the essence of a full-bodied pop song, Bronwyn Silk adds her dynamic vocalism into the mix in order to create an elemental track. Let's seriously talk about Bronwyn's vocal range for a second. Her voice is able to hit octaves we're seriously impressed by, and she gives us a hint of this within "Nobody Likes You". Although Bronwyn's vocal production within this particular track comes off as more delicate, we're treated to areas in the track where she shares her robust and powerful delivery. Bronwyn Silk is the sound you can expect to hear on your local radio pop station, but once you hear "Nobody Likes You", you'll know that she adds more to her song than the typical pop track. Her voice is compelling (we know, we've been obsessing over her voice for the entirety of this article, but it's incredibly angelic and it's all we can focus on)! Besides the stellar vocalism on Bronwyn's part, her more contemporary production stylings combined with the hazy, yet pure atmosphere, makes for the pop track we not only love but a track we've downloaded too many of our playlists. Bronwyn Silk is the type of artist that has transformed some of our music tastes, and the non-pop lovers within BuzzMusic have definitely become pop fans after today!

Experience the essence of "Nobody Likes You" here, and catch up with Bronwyn Silk in her interview below!


Hey Bronwyn Silk! Crazy to be featuring your music here on BuzzMusic! Your journey in the music world thus far must be a whirlwind considering you just debuted this year! Tell us about your experience within the music scene so far for 2019?!

My love for singing and writing has been apparent since making singing videos and writing beginning at the age of seven, yet it only really hit me in the face kind of late in my life. My first year, I experienced a lot of resistance within myself. I received what seemed to be "a nudge from the universe" because the opportunity to record one of my own songs came about and I was very convinced I didn't have the talent. But I fell in love with the process and after debuting on Hate Your Rules I finally began to recognize my potential, and the external validation I felt I once needed to stand I didn't need anymore. So, I think the purpose of this year, for me, has been to find the strength to stand on my own two feet, and now that I have the skies the limit. 

Are you able to share with our readers the integral message embedded within "Nobody Likes You" (regardless of the give-away title)?

It’s honestly a diss track to myself, or like an, “Oh my god, why do I always do this?”. I do my best to practice self-love and positivity, but underneath all that I seem to have a pretty critical script running in my brain – as I’m sure many do. Whether we acknowledge it or not, the thoughts that run through our heads when we’re unaware are the catalyst of self-fulfilling prophecy and self-sabotage. Sometimes I become aware of my bad habits, and sometime they just sneak past me, and I’m just like “S*** I did it again *facepalm*”.

How was it collaborating with CRWN? Would you be open to more collabs in the future, and specifically with who next?!

It was great! We had a long week working on some other songs together, and we decided to  have some fun writing “Hate Your Rules” in a very light-hearted session. I’m definitely open to collaborations! There is no one specifically, but my dream collab is with Post Malone. Hehe.

How do you believe you remain authentic to your sound, especially now that your music is blowing up?

For awhile I was over-thinking what my “sound is”. Then I came to realize that if I like it, then it’s my sound. And as long as I’m singing with my words and my voice I’m remaining authentic to who I am.

Thanks so much for allowing our readers to get a better sense of who you are as an artist! What do you hope to accomplish next within the music world? 

I’m just ready to crank out some great music; to work with some amazing people; to start dancing my ass off at some shows and just to start taking life day by day.


Connect with Bronwyn Silk on social media:


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