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Canadian Metal Rock Band Consequents Debut New Song “Overtkill”

Consequents is an Alternative-Metal quintet from Ottawa, Canada. Since forming in July of 2016, Consequents has performed as a headlining, and support act for local/touring artists. Performing all-original music from their impressive repertoire. Their latest album “Crucible” was recorded after recruiting vocalist/guitarist Mo Sammak, and Bassist/Vocalist, Maab. Crucible takes the Consequents’ music to another wave of Alternative-Metal with notes of some experimental elements; The album cover displaying a flat grid-plane with hints of embalming fluid colors. Truthfully hinting that nothing exists in the end.

“Overtkill” makes for a rather stunning introduction to the band, their sound is immediately powerful, melodic yet hard-hitting, and musically masterful in every way. The riffs meet with heavy distortion and a series of captivating performances that prove increasingly impressive as things progress. Consequents put every ounce of heart and soul into what they do, a process that delivers both refreshing creativity and superb musicianship.

All of this adds a genuine level of value and emotion to the music, but what lets it connect as effectively as it does is the fact that “Overtkill” has been brilliantly, professionally written and crafted, and the music and vocals throughout it work well to immerse and entrance even the most stubborn of audiences. A powerful track, a refreshing sound, and without a doubt the start of a long and worthy journey in modern music.

Check out “Overtkill” here and read more in our interview with Consequents below!

Can you tell us all about your track “Overtkill”! What inspired it?

"Overtkill" is the second track on our latest full-length album, "Crucible". The name was inspired by a character from Todd McFarlane's Spawn named, "OverTkill". The lyrics are about the negative places, and antagonistic people that are pessimistic, or have an ulterior motive by physically/mentally harming you. As humans, we are all brought back to good and bad memories in our heads. Whatever the memory or thought is; we have to live with that forever.

Did you hone your vocal style over time or have you always had a natural ability to sing with grit?

We were all born singing, making sounds, and music. Mo Sammak's style of vocals comes from educating himself, and generating his style of singing in the performing arts of Alternative Rock, and Metal music.

If someone only has time to check out one song from your collection, which would you recommend and why?

We would certainly choose the first track from Crucible titled, "Jaws of Life" because it's a great album opener. "Jaws of Life" was designed to be more versatile, melodic, and energetic to the listener. There are hint notes of "street culture, nightlife, and vibes" within that song. A memoir of an event in the early '90s in Ottawa, Ontario, Canada detailing a bad car accident, and the ways that the individuals involved in the wreck were retrieved. Right in the middle of the main street in a small sector that used to be known as, "Vanier, Ontario" - The smallest town in Ontario, Canada.

What are your thoughts on mainstream music today?

Mainstream music has certainly evolved and advanced in every way including fashion, appearance, and even subject matter. Artists still make use of topics dealing in current affairs, politics, trends, romance, and party-life as they always did since the beginning of whatever "mainstream music" really is. As artists, we appreciate all music that comes across our way. Whether the masses claim it as "mainstream", or not.

What’s the best thing that could happen for you right now as a band?

The best thing that could happen for us as a band would be some share in current activities including Label Recognition/Acknowledgment/Esteem, Touring/Gigging more often Music/Radio Charts, and being able to represent ourselves as artists freely as we grow older together. We wish we could walk into any venue, or tell any promoter in the business that we're going to perform our show whenever we wanted to. Unfortunately, that's not how the business works though; and we are still having to be patient. Waiting on the bars, venues, managers, and promoters to get back to us, and let us hop on a date. Hoping our fans will be there for our shows because The Consequents always, "Kill It" as we've been told numerous times from audience to audience. A treat we'd like to experience together with everyone out there.



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