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Case Is Shining Bright Like A “Shooting Star”

Casey Incle is a 21 year old Brooklyn born artist from a Hispanic household.  He’s been delving into music for the last two years recording a compilation that’s diverse and unorthodox.  Casey enjoys listening to a variety of genres due to his family and cultural upbringing. Some notable influence include Drake, Queen and the Bee Gees. The talented rapper and lyricist uses his music as an outlet and is enjoying every minute of it.

Professionally known as Case, the gifted artist’s most successful track “Shooting Star” is making waves in a big way.  The confident track and summer party anthem “Shooting Star” is addicting and catchy. Case spits quirky bars throughout every verse, he’s able to convey his confidence and multiple skills through his unique tone and style. “Shooting Star” weaves through storytelling elements of Case’s legendary come up. Case’s rap ability is incomparable! I’m blasting this track on repeat so I don’t miss one word of it. Case  breaks stereotypical boundaries through his involvement and dedication to his work. He knows what his listeners want to hear and he delivers it everytime.  Pouring his heart and soul into his art, Case is unstoppable. A true summer vibe, “Shooting Star” has had phenomenal success already and continues to grow. I highly recommend you check it out and keep a close eye on what Case delivers next!

Listen to “Shooting Star” here and keep scrolling for our exclusive interview with Casey Incle below!

Hi Case! We love your track “Shooting Star”. What inspired you to write this song?

-Starting off I wanna thank you for this opportunity to talk about my art. The inspiration behind this track all started off with listening to the beat. At the time I was was struggling to find producers that would fit my sound best or compliment me as an artist. So, just as any artist I went searching until I came across the producer “BlackMayo”. I listened to a lot of the beats on his channel and the vibe his beats put out at the time were just a great eccentric/pop space vibe. Immediately I fell in love with the sound. I found a beat on his channel called “Shooting star” and from the title of the beat, I took that and just started writing a melody that I thought would fit the beat the best. I wanted to include the beat name in the track so I used the title as a base for the hook. The beat just gave me this emotion of success and gave me the feeling as if I was a shooting star being able to travel a far distance and travel around the world. 

Who are your top three musical influences and why?

Growing up in Brooklyn, New York you’re exposed to so many different types of music. Hip hop, Rock, Pop, Jazz, folk and so much more. Being in a city with so much culture it can definitely be hard to pick some the top three musical influences. If I had to pick three people that I would say helped influence my music it would be The Bee Gees, Drake, And Jay-Z. The list goes on forever honestly, but these artists are all so unique and talented in their own way and diverse but have a sound that everyone knows them for. My family always listened to older music and it was just amazing. I thank them for making my musical pallet so wide. I remember my mother always playing The Bee Gees at home and I would just love and dance to their music. They have such a spacey eccentric groove and I love the sound. Growing up Jay z was a huge sensation in hip hop and still is till this day. He changed the game and really solidified that “New York” sound. I remember just taking road trips with family and friends and singing/rapping Jay Z tracks. His flow and style at the time was setting up the future for new waves of music to come. Lastly growing up in New York if you didn’t know about Drake you were wrong. What Drake can bring to the table is outstanding. He’s an Extremely diverse artist and can do almost anything and that’s something I strive for as well. I want to be able to break the barrier and not just do hip hop or trap but bring something new to the table every time to the fans can see progression. 

Can we expect a new EP in the near future? 

Most definitely working on an album. Currently trying to solidify my foundation first and when the time is right for that new project it’ll be announced. 

What would be your dream venue to perform?

My dream venue would have to be Madison square garden. It must be an out of body experience to be on stage their having thousands of people just sing a long to one of your tracks and actually get into it. That’s the dream right there. 

How does your music now compare to when you first started recording tracks?

My music now is definitely An drastic improvement from when I started. I experimented with my sound a lot. Though I’m trying to be diverse i’m still working on something that can emphasize or separate me more from everyone else. The change is definitely drastic in terms of quality, production and lyrics. I hate listening to my first track I ever made. It was so bad but at the time some people really liked it. I even thought it was good at the time but as an artist you have to take constructive criticism and work on what you think can be better to really bring out the best you. 


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