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Challenge Your Situationship With Saint Samuel’s “Like You Like That”

In a world where everyone seems to be taking themselves too seriously, self-produced singer-songwriter Sam McCoig aka Saint Samuel, taps into a perspective that's upbeat, fun, and pushes the envelope of your deepest thoughts.

The Richmond, VA native hits his audience with his latest pop-rock single and video, "Like You Like That," where his alter-ego Saint Samuel flourishes in a musical realm that allows him to live without inhibitions, consequences, or insecurities holding him back.

All this and more is explored in the zesty ambiance of "Like You Like That," where we journey through Saint Samuel's unconventional thoughts and the curiosity that stemmed from a conversation between two best friends stuck in a situationship where love at first sight never appeared.

Through this mellow to vibrantly paced record, which turns the volume up on pop-rock medlies, Saint Samuel's charming persona and intriguing demeanor poke out of every word he melodically conveys.

With his best friend and co-writer, Emily Bruzzo, at the helm, this profound conversation had her hanging onto Sam's words in this heartfelt interaction full of truths and confusion. The two came to a realization when Emily murmured, "You just don't like him like that," bringing Sam to an idea that most aren't ready to hear.

What's the best fuel to feed a fire of this sort? Making an edgy head-bopping, percussion-forward, sizzling guitar rendition of all the things that could have been. It's to make a relatable bop that you can't shake, and everyone will have to blare to overcome their daunting situationships. We can thank Saint Samuel for that.

Welcome to BuzzMusic, Saint Samuel! Congratulations on releasing your latest record and visuals for "Likassemblede You Like That." Now, we know how the origin of this narrative was formed - but we have to know; how does it feel that it's finally out to the public?

Thanks so much for having me! It honestly doesn't feel real. I've had this song sitting around for about a year in its various stages, and I couldn't be happier to finally have it out in the world. The number of times I have listened to the song before today translated to streams would probably equate to a platinum record. So I'm glad other people can hear it now.

Music is therapeutic to those who create it; the words you and Emily Bruzzo form paint an image. Do you find getting the words onto paper easy after experiencing something firsthand?

In the beginning, getting the ideas onto paper is a very natural process. It is almost always a result of Emily and I having a candid conversation (usually on my porch, where we form our best ideas), followed by her saying, "Oh, that's a song." One time, I was on the phone with her talking about a relationship issue that had me pretty upset, and then I got a notification on my phone that a note about a song was being edited. I asked, "Are you writing a song about this???" Truthfully, that is where our best material comes from—my sadness.

Let's create the music video for "Like You Like That." What was your inspiration behind the eye-catching visuals your audience enjoys taking in?

Emily and I were exhausted from an eight-hour day at our corporate day jobs, followed by a four-hour songwriting session, when we stumbled upon the music video concept. We both used ChatGPT at some point that day to try and develop ideas for the video.

We found ourselves envisioning how AI would respond to questions about how to tell a romantic partner you don't share the same feelings. This evolved into imagining what would happen if ChatGPT could go on a date. I am sometimes known in my circle for my often "robotic" responses to emotional situations, so the idea of me having to navigate a date with ChatGPT opened an entire world of possibilities.

How did you and Emily come to form this working relationship? What was it like bringing both the song and visuals to life with one another?

I love being asked this. Emily and I met two years ago while working as session musicians for a local country artist. I played bass, and she played keys/synths for live performances. Eventually, we both found ourselves very unhappy in the situation. I think most people agree. I don't look like I'm supposed to be playing for a country artist. At the end of a terrible and annoying rehearsal, Emily cornered me next to my car. She told me she would love to try a writing session together. Give it a trial run and see if we vibe. And here we are two years later. I can't keep her away with all her incredible songs and ideas that somehow work out.

Quick side note, I am allergic to cats. And Emily has……..five. So after our first session, I woke up in the middle of the night gasping for air. But we're good. I'm alive and not allowed within five miles of her house.

We had so much fun bringing this song and idea to life. I'm so lucky to be able to work with an excellent songwriter, business partner, and best friend. We often start with the most radical ideas for music videos. Rain machines, snow machines, marching bands, pyro, you name it. But then we bring ourselves back down. Neither of us are script writers, but we also have a solid visual and idea of what it will look like. That, combined with working with an excellent director and producer, Spencer Sease, created the 'Like You Like That' video.

What do you hope your audience takes away from the messaging and emotion of "Like You Like That?"

Well, sometimes, you just don't like someone like that. Most people have been on either or both sides of that situation. And that's okay. I know it can sting, but sometimes, it's just that way. As you can see, I don't give the best relationship advice, but I will say this. If someone isn't giving back what you're putting in and doesn't seem to like you the way you want them, then you're looking at a dead end. A real-life relationship that my song could describe will not be sustainable.


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