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Conscious Tone's 2019 Showcased Via Album "Thoughts"!

An artist that deserves some recognition for his work over 2019 is Conscious Tone. Based in Denver, CO, Conscious Tone is an expressive artist, developing unique hip/hop soundings that make for such a smooth delivery. He's upfront with listeners by sharing personal life elements, both good and bad. Conscious Tone has never appeared as if he was afraid to be so exposed and vulnerable to listeners, mainly because his flow is so natural-feeling. 

Conscious Tone released an album earlier this year titled "Thoughts". The album ironically walks through the most intimate thoughts of Conscious Tone, and it made us look at him in a different life, both artistically and personally. The first track on the album, "Lately", incorporates an ethereal-like production into an energetic Hip/Hop atmosphere. The song follows the conflictions of Conscious Tone, and his remedy to resolve such hostility. "You and Me" follow similar suit, but "Out of My Mind" adds in more of a unique sounding specific to Conscious Tone. The last track on the album, "On My Way", ends the album off with a positive message from Conscious Tone's end. "Thoughts" is the pinnacle of Conscious Tone's 2019, and we believe the album showcases his artistic abilities extremely well. Conscious Tone has the incredible potential within the Alternative/Hip-Hop music scene, and so we're anticipating what he will accomplish next artistically!

Listen to Conscious Tone's album "Thoughts" here


Hello, Conscious Tone! It's great to have the chance to talk about your recent music over 2019! Your album "Thoughts" was quite expressive, as you shared a lot about your personal life with your listeners. How did you feel once this album officially released?! 

Honestly, I felt really great about getting this project out. I’ve covered some serious ground this year getting my message and my voice where I’d like it to be and I feel “Thoughts” really showcased that. I wanted to shed light on things I know many of us face mentally and emotionally on a daily basis, and this project helped me do so. It always feels good to get your content out but this one definitely holds close to me. I think I turned a page and really found an area of creating that I feel truly at home with, so I was happy about getting this project out to the world.  

How did your perspective on music and yourself overall change during the writing and recording process of "Thoughts"?

I think that with every project I create there is a learning curve involved and adjustments are made. I ask questions like where do I want these tracks to go? How am I using my voice productively? But when it comes down to it, I always try making music that gets to me emotionally whether that be highs or lows. I knew what I thought I wanted going into this project, yet that always seems to change. This can make things a bit of a challenge so I really have to be patient with myself and trust the process. With “Thoughts” I think I’ve gained a valuable perspective on music as a whole and where mine is headed and I feel I’ve grown more as an artist in recent months than ever before. It’s a bit scary but thrilling at the same time, and it’s allowed me to focus more on the creation and directing myself towards writing that really shares my message. A lot of my music changes on the fly so things are constantly moving one way or another.

What was the biggest challenge you've faced throughout 2019 that has shaped you both artistically and personally?

I feel the biggest challenge I faced throughout 2019 was roadblocks in general. The music industry can be pretty cutthroat and I’ve experienced it first hand over the years. I was hit hard with life this year in a strange way, and it truly lit a fire inside me. It’s not about changing so much as learning and making the best decisions for yourself as an artist to reach that next goal. Mentally this has been an extremely challenging 12 months and musically it’s been a lot of highs and lows, but I’ve always been one to roll with the punches and look for a positive outcome. I think this year really taught me a lot about myself as an artist and how much I really want it. It’s all about finding a balance and shaping things where you see fit. With that said I feel I’ve grown a lot personally and opened my eyes a bit more, which has translated into music in a great way!  

We hear that you're currently working on another EP series! Tell us more about how the process of that is going, and you feel about collaborating with other artists?! 

Yes, I am! “Thoughts” is number 2 of 4 and I’m really excited to drop the last two projects. The idea of this series was to create a personal vibe within each one. So rather than me dropping a full 16 song album, I felt that 4 smaller EP’s would help me spread my message and the things I’ve been going through more organically. Each has a feel of its own so it’s allowed me to try some new things and really hone in on where I’d like to go musically. My hope is to always share something genuinely meaningful and relatable with my listeners. Currently, I’m at a point in my career where collaborating with other artists is very high up on my list. I’ve got a few I’m in contact with that I’m really excited about working with. One, in particular, I’m looking forward to working with is Cali based songwriter ill Nicky, I’ve been a big fan of his music and I really think we can make something great together. Collaboration can be key to progression in this business so I’m really excited to branch out and work with some new artists in the near future.

Thanks for taking the time to speak with us here at BuzzMusic! How do you see your artistic journey growing in 2020?

Well, I feel 2020 has some great plans for me musically. I’m taking some big steps towards important goals that I feel I’m much better prepared for than I was before. I’ve spent the last year really dialing in on my style, voice and just overall presence within music and I’m right where I want to be. So, 2020 will hold some new opportunities for me to grow as an artist and I’m really looking forward to that. I’ll be pushing out a lot more content, lots of shows, organizing a small tour and securing some solid placements along the way. I’m thankful for opportunities such as this one with BuzzMusic and I’m looking to build on that next year. It’s all love with me and I’m just excited to continue this journey through music. 



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