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Drey Releases A Powerful & Compelling Single, "Losing Game"

The resilient recording artist, producer, and singer-songwriter Drey releases a profoundly emotional and honest anthem with her latest single, "Losing Game."

The 22-year-old singer-songwriter takes incredible pride in writing, recording, and producing all of her music. Learning her chops from her minor in music at the University of Alabama at Birmingham and being classical trained, Drey recently learned her way around the guitar to broaden her artistic horizons.

Drey's latest cathartic single, "Losing Game," is one that will definitely stand the test of time. The song is incredibly personal to the young recording artist as it was written from the perspective of an addict struggling in silence and trying to overcome their condition. "I'm so excited for people to hear this song and hope that it can make someone struggling feel less alone," notes Drey.

Expanding on the new single, "Losing Game," the song gently begins with a lush and melancholy acoustic guitar and Drey's soft and warm vocals. As she begins to elaborate on the song's heavy and genuine theme, Drey tugs on our heartstrings with her extremely relatable words that sing of the inner wars of an addict struggling to cope in silence.

Drey belts her vocals in the brightest and most radiant way to emphasize the song's empowering hook while reminding us that reaching out when in a time of need is essential. As she takes us around the hook one last time towards the outro, Drey leaves us staring at such harsh realities dead in the eyes while wondering how we can lend a helping hand.

We genuinely appreciate Drey's new single, "Losing Game." If someone you know is struggling with addiction, please make sure they know they're not alone in this journey. Find "Losing Game" on all digital streaming platforms.

Welcome to BuzzMusic, Drey. You've truly touched our hearts with your latest honest and resilient single, "Losing Game." Why did you want to create a song about addiction awareness and how addicts often struggle in silence?

I wanted to create a song about addiction because last fall I had the opportunity to experience how heartbreaking it is. I think that erasing the stigma related to addiction is essential in advocating for more widespread available resources in order to help people heal. I think that many people have a preconceived notion of what addiction is and have no idea how those reliant on a substance suffer. I think the more people understand what addicts face the better they can help those close to them heal and cope.

What was the most challenging part about writing your genuine lyrics for "Losing Game?" Did you face any personal obstacles during your songwriting process?

The most challenging part about writing "losing game" was finding the right words to describe how lonely addiction can be. Many times it feels quite literally like nothing will ever be able to stop the hurt and that the only way out is the worst way. Once I had the chord progression and the main message, everything sort of poured out.

What do you hope the listener takes away and learns from "Losing Game?"

I hope the listener takes away that it is never too late to seek help!! Addiction is a disease and no one should have to fight alone.

Do you usually create such meaningful and compelling songs like "Losing Game?" Do all of your songs carry a significant meaning behind them?

Most of my songs have significant meaning, but this is the first one I’ve released that I feel is what I wanted it to be!

What's next for you?

Next up is releasing more singles and a new album this year!


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