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Experience the Ups And Downs Of Love With Simon Ocean’s Debut “My Enemy, My Love”

Born in Miami, singer/songwriter Simon Ocean was moved in and out of various countries throughout his childhood. Simon gained a unique outlook on life through his diverse upbringing. At the age of 7, Simon began writing music as a way to capture his experiences. After keeping his music to himself and close friends, Simon decided to step out of his shell and began writing for various artist at the age of 15 as a way of keeping his professional and personal life separate. Now writing for over a decade, Simon is ready to showcase his talents as a solo artist to the world. 

“My Enemy, My Love” is Simon Ocean’s debut single and we can’t get enough. With so much songwriting experience already, it’s no surprise that “My Enemy, My Love” has a powerful lyrical presence. Simon weaves through storytelling elements and gives us a retrospective look at the love and war that takes place during relationships. He questions how someone he loves can become his enemy during disagreements. Simon flawlessly curates a relatable debut single, “My Enemy, My Love” contains heavy subject matter but remains upbeat and catchy throughout. It’s the perfect dueling opposite for an alluring hit! With an incredible launch into the music industry with “My Enemy” we can’t wait to see what Simon Ocean delivers next.

Check out “My Enemy, My Love” here and red more below in our exclusive interview with Simon Ocean!

Hi Simon! Welcome to BuzzMusic! Can you start by telling us more about yourself, where do you reside now?

Im a singer-songwriter who has been writing for other artists since I was a teenager, finally getting ready to release my own music this year.  Ive actually moved around a lot my whole (went to 14 different schools) bouncing from place to place but home base was always Miami. Last year I moved to the NYC area but I bounce between Boston, Nashville and L.A.

Who are your musical influences? How do they inspire you?

My musical influences are all over the spectrum. Obviously who wasn’t influenced by Michael Jackson? But I was influenced by everyone from the Backstreet Boys to The Killers to Nirvana to Bon Jovi, Cant you tell I are up in the 90’s to early 2000’s? I also make music in Spanish so another bilingual Miami native who inspires me quite a bit is actually Enrique Iglesias. My sound is so all over the place that its hard to pinpoint a specific artist, but right now Ive actually been inspired a lot by what Jared Leto is doing with 30 seconds to mars and balancing pop + alt rock.

We love your debut single “My Enemy, My Love”! Can you dive into more details about the lyrics?

I actually started writing it as an alternative rock song with the electric guitar you hear in the intro being one of the first things I drew from. The lyrics are about an issue in one of my relationships, if you listen closely you can hear what it was. I then threw more of a dancehall inspired beat to channel other emotions I couldn’t match with the lyrics.

What emotions did you channel when writing this track?

As the sound evolved into more of a pop song it actually surrounded the emotions of missing my hometown of Miami, I had recently lost some people close to me and being separated made me miss everything from the tropical weather to the spirit of the city.I was in a very melancholic state which is why I chose to not really emote a lot in the melodies, I wanted to channel the mood of nothing really affecting me whether it was happy or sad. 

What’s next for Simon Ocean?

My next project should (fingers crossed) be out in September. The plan is to have a new song (not counting features and writing credits) out every month until 2020. Some of it might not be in english (hint hint).


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