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Explore the Soul That Tylur Starks Has to Offer

Tylur Starks has been singing and songwriting since the tender age of five years old. Perfecting her vocal and songwriting skills while learning from her life experiences, she left her home in Columbus, OH, to attend Musicians Institute in Hollywood, CA.

Exhibiting the pure growth that her songwriting skills showcase, her most recent single “Safe Place,” reiterates the story of her life experiences in the love and relationship department, as she is firm with her worth as a woman.

We admire the ethereal soul that is combined with Tylur Starks’ prominent vocalization as she shares sultry timbres that etch themselves into our minds. “Don’t put me in a safe place,” is the protruding lyrical motif that captivates us as soon as Tylur Starks introduces us to it before her powerful chorus comes into lay us down with ease and grace.

There’s buoyant energy that is radiated from the passion she charmingly parades. Permitting us to tune into her needs and desires as a woman who is cemented in what she wants from the apple of her eye, the influential aura that she places in the spotlight has us wrapping ourselves in the familiarity that is conveyed.

We know the fervent showcase of talent comes from a place of personal experience, and to us; that makes a song like “Safe Place” that much more meaningful. Caught up in the themes that love tends to display in the real world, Tylur Starks has us simmering in her encapsulating allure.

Welcome to BuzzMusic Tylur Starks, and congratulations on the release of your striking new single, “Safe Place.” With the topical themes explored through your honest lyrics, was it difficult for you to tap into this headspace when bringing the vision to fruition?

Thank you so much! No, it was not difficult at all to bring this song to life. At the time of the relationship, I was in I felt like I was giving 110% and never getting anything back in return so that relationship really became the director of "Safe Place." When I think back at all of the arguments and the frustration that was surrounded by that relationship it was only a matter of time before "Safe Place" was created.

What was the inspiration that took you to the creation point of “Safe Place?"

Honestly, it sounds silly but "Safe Place" was created because I lost my social security card. I have a really bad habit of putting things away for safekeeping and then not being able to find them. So when I couldn't find my social, my mom asked me, "well where did you put it?" I responded with "I put it in a safe place and now I can't find it." It was then that I realized that was the metaphor for the relationship I was in. He kept me for safekeeping because he knew that I would always be there for him so there was no need to make anything official with me because I would always welcome him back with open arms no matter what. I did end up finding my social security card.

Certain words mean more to the creator than others. Do you have a favorite lyric in the song that holds a significant meaning to you? Could you please elaborate on that?

I think my favorite lyric is "you save me for a rainy day" meaning you only call on me when all of the chips are down. The only time you need me is when you need something from me.

Moving across the United States, do you find that your sound has been impacted by the other places that you’ve lived? How does your signature style fit into the music scene in Columbus, OH?

I think my style has gone from Soft Rock and has evolved into R&B. Although my voice has always been R&B the music behind has not. Luckily, Columbus offers such a diverse music scene I don't have to fit in, I can just be who I am.

What's next for you?

I have another single being released on August 31st titled "The Cool." Hopefully more live performances and definitely getting back into the studio to record more music.


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