Hooked Like Helen. Remember the name, because you'll be hearing way more on them in the near future. Hooked Like Helen is the music group that blends those iconic elements of pop, with a pinch of funk/alternative. They give an eclectic mix of soundings, which is undoubtedly their secret token to a great production. Their recent music has us spinning! It's fun, light and dance-worthy at the same time. An eclectic feel for an eclectic group, their EP "Tragedy Of Physics" releases into the music world! Hooked Like Helen delivers an inspirational rack with "No Turning Back".

They're able to sustain that empowering and uplifting feel with listeners easily. By incorporating a variety of instrumentals and melodies, they hold a strong, positive presence. Hooked Like Helen ultimately shines in terms of vocal execution. "No Turning Back" is the best fitting track to showcase Hooked Like Helen's vocal dynamics. It's incredibly the range they have and makes for an iconic production. We also have a soft spot for artists that can impart a general feeling of wellbeing into their listeners, which Hooked Like Helen has seemed to master at this point. We feel genuinely happier when listening to their music, and "No Turning Back" is nothing less. We highly recommend you take a listen to their new EP "Tragedy Of Physics".
Listen to Hooked Like Helen here.
Hey, Hooked Like Helen! We're happy we get the chance to speak with you about your new EP “Tragedy Of Physics"! Are you content with how the vision maintained throughout the songwriting/recording process?
Thanks, BuzzMusic! It was quite a journey from the start of this EP to the final mastered tracks, with some diversions along the way, but we definitely feel like we nailed the vision at the end. There were moments when we had to step back and say “nope. this isn’t it.” which can be frustrating as artists. When you’ve put so much hard work in, especially when you are dealing with the stress of a time crunch, it but at the end of the day, nothing is a waste of time. It is all a part of the process, even the stuff you have to let go of.
How did it feel to record your track "No Turning Back"? Is it difficult to manifest the required energy and robustness to the track, or does this mentality and personality come easy to record?
“No Turning Back” was super fun and a totally unique experience for us; we wrote it for the theatrical trailer for ‘High Strung Free Dance’, and we had the vision of director Michael Damian to follow. It was cool channeling the themes of the film and coming up with something that we otherwise wouldn’t have created. Once the song was written, the production flowed fairly smoothly - we just knew so clearly what direction to take it in. And since this upbeat vibe was sort of different from what we usually do, it was really fun getting into it and running with it.
Tell us about your favorite moment within the songwriting/recording/performing process? How have you changed your execution from the very start, to now?
Nikki: My favorite moment in the recording process for this EP was definitely when we tracked the guitar for ‘Tear This Place Apart’. We have a home studio and record almost everything there, but electric guitar had always been a bit of a challenge for us…so it was a proud moment when we got the mic positioning right, and the FX right and the guitar part just soared the way it did in my head during the writing process. Jon did an awesome job playing the part. Our execution is much different now from when we started. Having a home studio has allowed us to experiment with production and sounds and vocal techniques and arrangements in a way that we never could have before. We’ve become much more reliant on ourselves and our own pre-production than we were on our first several releases and we’re thankful to be able to keep progressing as a band.
What's a contrasting genre from what you create now, that you could see elements of it being blended into your future music?
Our sound is already quite a blend of different genres and we’ve had so much fun tapping into trap and folk on this last record - I think we’d like to experiment with some more electronic stuff, get a little dancey on the next one! :)
When did you last perform? How does the performing process differ from the recording process for Hooked Like Helen?
We just played our first show ever as Hooked Like Helen at The Study in Hollywood on Friday! (Nov 22nd). We had so much fun and can’t wait for more! Live is so different because everything doesn’t have to be perfect. There’s no meticulous do-over stuff, you just go with it and feed off the energy of the crowd. As a perfectionist, it's sometimes hard to transition my mentality away from getting concerned about every note, but once you get into the moment, its just the best!
What's the next move for Hooked Like Helen, now that “Tragedy Of Physics" has been released? Well, we plan to book a mini-tour this summer, mostly in the midwest where we are from. We are looking forward to getting back in the studio and tracking some new music too! 2020 is going to be a great year! :)