We love the eclectic essence of Freddie Freeloader provoking thoughts and allowing us to tunnel into an artistic vision custom to him. Residing in the greater Toronto area, this multifaceted artist is known for the personal themes brought into the soundscapes he casts out as he pulls from life experiences around him.
As we tiptoe into his mysterious anonymity, Freddie Freeloader has us fully engaged with his most recent single, "Almond Blossom." Being the third single to tease the release of his forthcoming debut EP 'CRIMSON II,' we're caught up in all of the details from this masterful soundscape.
The dream-like spirit of "Almond Blossom" resides in a mid-tempo universe that dips us into the lusciously profound instrumentation that hypnotically carries us. With a tantalizing vocalization that gently sweeps you into the therapeutic framework in place by the ambient guitar riffs, there's a captivating nature to this song that evokes a nostalgic feeling.
Touring us through a reminiscent tale of wanting to live in the past with a previous version of himself and an ex-girlfriend, we hear the lyrical motifs of Freddie Freeloader wishing he could return to life's simplistic joys, where everything clicked seamlessly. Unraveling these familiar themes in a way that relates to his fan base, many of us taking in this intimate piece can relate to this feeling at one time or another in our lives.
Showing us that although these thoughts may arise, there's life on the other side of what happens when you choose to move forward. Leave it up to Freddie Freeloader to sway you into a calming state of truths as you feast on his sonic ventures.
Welcome to BuzzMusic, Freddie Freeloader, and congratulations on the release of "Almond Blossom." How does the unique name of this song tie into the emotional concept that you unravel for your audience?
Thank you for recognizing the uniqueness of the name! I appreciate it so much. Almond Blossom is, of course, inspired by the painting crafted by Van Gogh. It links directly to the day I bought a poster of the image while studying music at Humber College in Toronto. I walked into the book fair and immediately drew to the painting—something cliche from a movie. Little did I know, the day I bought that poster was the last day of normality before the relationship-ending turmoil hit. The exact relationship that the CRIMSON I" EP is based on.
From the moment you wrote "Almond Blossom" to this present moment, how has your headspace adjusted to the themes you write about?
My headspace has found sincere closure through writing the songs and going through each critical moment throughout this relationship to turn it into music. Right now, my headspace resides in the next album I'm writing, something different from CRIMSON. And, of course, promoting this record and performing.
What advice do you have for your audience going through the loop of reminiscing on past times? How have you coped with these thoughts?
My advice would most certainly be to face any problems head-on. It's the best long-term course of action, and I think that's how people should view these things. Many of us like to step away from something difficult now because it's too much at the moment. We do because that is prolonged any hurt or complicated feelings that we could face and finish right away. This is coming from someone who did just that. I wish I had dealt with it head-on from the get-go because I would have saved myself a long period of heartache, which could have been a period of healing. Thankfully, I had coped with these thoughts a couple of weeks after completing the writing and recording process.
What is the main message that you hope your music can send out to your fan base?
With the CRIMSON I, there isn't a direct message in the sense of "listen to this album and then do this" if anything, the message would be something along the lines of "If you've just broken up with someone you love. Because both the good and bad help us grow as people." search to find closure, and remember to appreciate the good and the bad times. Oh, and don't make the same mistake twice because that's just silly.
What can listeners expect to hear on 'CRIMSON II?' What are you the most excited about for this release?
With the remaining two songs that will be released as the full EP (January 14th, 2022), listeners can expect to hear two new sonic directions from me and my wacky brain, as well as the full-encompassing story that is CRIMSON I. I'm most excited to see people around my city wearing their own Freddie Freeloader mask. A few people in the US and one in Malta have pre-ordered an act that is crazy to think about. I love shows like Money Heist, so fantasies I didn't know I had will be fulfilled, haha!