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Get Loud and Wild With Prtty Ridiculous' Latest Single "Rheumy"

The brainchild of guitarist and singer Stone Panunzio, Prtty Ridiculous is a hypnotic fusion of Grungy Guitars and Glitchy Beats. Get ready for his signature hooks, intimate lyricism, and sinister production style on full display, ensuring they command your attention at every turn.

Debuting with "Rheumy," the first single to kick off the music catalog of Prtty Ridiculous, we're swarmed with an electric ambiance that takes us on the ride of a lifetime.

Funk-fueled guitar riffs sizzle in a realm that caters to the eclectic resonance residing in your speakers. There's much to say about the rhythmic jive that has us dipping into infectious movements and a potent groove. Pulling listners deeper into the unraveling sound, the percussion will leave your core shaking.

With Prtty Ridiculous incorporating a smoldering vocal tone that elusively layers with gentle, whispering doubles, the jungle of elements we're exposed to take the cake for being lavishly creative in a world where originality is lacking.

As we embark on a sonic journey chalked full of addictive charisma. This embracing factor that sits mountains above the rest is the unapologetic persona that Stone Panunizo takes into this masterpiece.

Admiring the eclectic brain that weaves us throughout the peaks and valleys present throughout "Rheumy," we know one thing for sure: Prtty Ridiculous has made its mark on good music.

Welcome to BuzzMusic, Prtty Ridiculous! Congratulations on the release of your debut single, "Rheumy." What inspired you to make this song your introduction to the world? How does it feel to have made this debut?

Thanks, guys! "Rheumy" is the first time a production sounded like it did in my head. So it seemed like a no-brainer that "rheumy" would be the first PrttyRidiculous release, and I couldn't be more proud of it.

What does "Rheumy," say about you as an artist? What is the meaning that you want listeners to take away from it?

I believe "Rhemy" gives off the dark, dancey vibe that I want people to pick up on; It was supposed to be this nine-inch-nails meets Billie Eilish thing, but it developed into the Prtty Ridiculous sound. As for the song's meaning, I'll let the audience come to their own conclusions. There is personal significance to everything in the song, but it's something that may really only make sense to me.

How long has Prtty Ridiculous been in the making? Did you face any trials and tribulations when trying to get it off the ground?

Still getting off the ground, honestly! PR has only existed for the last six months, most of which has been spent writing/producing. It's wildly overwhelming being at the helm of this Prtty Ridiculous thing, but I have a team of remarkably talented people helping with everything. I couldn't be more proud of us!

What is your mission statement as an artist? How can we expect to see that lived out by your music?

My mission statement isn't really fully formed yet, but music is always playing in my crazy-person brain, and I absolutely must get it out or else. I know audiences are looking for a new sound, and I hope they'll find that in said crazy-person-brain music. I can't wait to throw ridiculous shows, drop crazy music, and party; having fun is the biggest thing for me.

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