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Hear It First: Singer-Songwriter Drea Stuns Us With New Track “La Paz”

Growing up as a singer-songwriter, Drea is an uprising artist based in Los Angeles, California, and she’s giving us some serious vibes with her naturally chilling vocals. As an artist with an incredibly diversified background, Drea’s music reflects every milestone she has overcome to be the artist she is now— and this really doesn’t go unnoticed within her music. One day, like any dreamer, Drea decided to pick up everything and make the move out to Los Angeles, which we are incredibly thankful she did, because she gave us exemplary tracks on her debut EP “No Vacancy” in 2016.

Drea gives us with her new single “La Paz” and its authenticity is unquestionable. Right from the start this ballad immediately hits you with some pretty acute rhythms, and you’ll undoubtedly be taken aback from the way the vocals strike you with their connotation. With an integration of various compelling beats paired with captivating piano rhythms, Drea unveils the true extent of her dynamics. “La Paz” brings something uniquely raw to the table— soulful yet contemporary tones intertwined with flowing and dramatic vocals is the combination we didn’t even know we needed until now. Drea’s new track “La Paz” is notably leaving us wanting more - so much more!

Listen to “La Paz” from us first, on Spotify.

Hi Drea! Care to introduce yourself to readers?

I am a pop artist and songwriter, originally from Minneapolis, Minnesota. I have been making music in LA for over 5 years now, and in that time I have had the opportunity to learn from and work with some of the most talented musicians I have ever met. I currently serve on the board of directors for two non-profit organizations in Los Angeles, and run a dance class for survivors of sexual assault (

How much would you say your past experiences have shaped the way you sing and write music now?

The music I am releasing now is more personal than anything I have previously released. "La Paz," and the single that will follow, are focused around my personal experience with sexual assault and trauma. As the years have passed and I have healed more and more from that trauma, I have been able to put that pain into my art. Although I have shared my story semi-publicly in the past on my social media pages, I don't think it prepared me for how nervous I would be to release this music. This is real. This is me. This was my horrifying experience. And now the world is going to hear about it in a whole new way. But what is art for if not to tell our truth?

Was “La Paz” executed the way you initially envisioned it being?

I worked closely with my long-time collaborator Kayja (@kayjaofficial) to create the right mood and essence of the track to back "La Paz". Kayja and I released my last two singles together, and it is important to both of us that we use live instruments, not just sounds of instruments, to fill out the tracks. Kayja is an incredibly talented producer and multi-instrumentalist, but perhaps most importantly, he has been willing and able to listen to my production ideas and execute them flawlessly. We make an incredible team, and I can't wait for you to hear what we have next for you.

Do any of your musical influences reflect heavily in “La Paz”?

I would say from a genre perspective, the song was definitely influenced by Latin Pop, which I listen to all the time. As "La Paz" has a Spanish chorus, I wanted a Latin rhythm to be present in the track at points as well. Overall, the track is a mixed bag: there are high, "discoteca" or club moments, but also moments of heavy synths, of bare bone piano... to me, the ups and downs of the track really resemble the ups and downs of life, of processing trauma. Although that wasn't necessarily the intention, that was the result, and that couldn't be more exciting to me.

Has your vision for your music always remained the same since you’ve started your music career?

My music has become more and more honest the longer I've been in LA. When I was dropped by my manager and in essence lost my best chance at a major record deal, I was forced to come into my own as an artist and work on my brand independently. In this moment, I was freed from having to meet a manager's or label's expectations. I could release the music I wanted to in the way I wanted to. It's been really liberating, and I am finally beginning to see my music become the platform for social discussions I always hoped it would be. I have become more honest, more vulnerable, more brave, and I believe all of that is reflected in "La Paz".

What’s next for you?

The music video for "La Paz" is set to be released in early February, and will be followed by a second single and music video in April. Another bilingual collaboration is in the works, as well!


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