The Wyoming-based singer-songwriter and recording artist Jamie Hansen releases a stunning and deeply conceptual single entitled "Mama."
Her latest single, "Mama," is the follow-up release to her well-received and fun-filled track, "Waitin' for the Weekend," which helped Jamie Hansen secure a loyal and energetic fanbase. Hansen holds a unique vocal prowess; she's able to serenade us while engaging us into her conceptual, emotional, and dynamic lyrical concepts.
Now releasing her free-feeling and heartfelt single, "Mama," Jamie Hansen serenades us with nothing but her tender vocal stylings alongside a soft piano melody. The song's message might seem like your average love letter to your mother, but Hansen managed to tie in the deeper theme of feeling out of place in this fast-paced world. "'Mama' holds a special place in my heart, and I hope it finds one in yours too," said Hansen.
Expanding on "Mama," we're met with a deeply reflective and emotional piano melody that sets the song's heartfelt and soothing tone. As distant background pads begin to fade in, Hansen's vocals appear and begin to sing a sweet tribute to her mother, who attempted to shield her from the cruel exterior world.
Moving through the single, a warm acoustic guitar makes its way in alongside minimal percussion to enhance the song's bursting emotion. Jamie Hansen continues to sing her powerful message of feeling out of place and wondering why she was chosen to sing these melodies. We truly adore this vulnerable and lonely-wanderer single, as it's more relatable than Hansen might think.
Take a breath of fresh air with Jamie Hansen's latest sparkling single, "Mama," now available on all digital streaming platforms.
Welcome to BuzzMusic Jamie Hansen. We truly appreciate the vulnerability and emotion you've delivered within your latest single, "Mama." Did any specific moments or experiences inspire you to create this piece?
“Mama” was inspired by a dream I had, that was brought on by inner turmoil. I dreamt I was moving back to Nashville to pursue my music career, and my mom was so upset with me. The whole following day I couldn’t get it out of my head, so after work, I sat down at the piano, and I just let it out. It wasn’t just a letter to my mom – I knew that much when I started writing the song. “Mama” is about taking a road less traveled because God called you to do it. I ended up not moving back to Nashville, but I am pursuing my music. This song was somewhat of a turning point for me, you could say.
How did you write your lyrics for "Mama" to not only showcase your tender emotions but to be so relatable with the listener? What was your songwriting process like?
I think the best lyrics come from moments where you must be brutally honest with yourself. I have always believed that listeners can tell the difference between a song that was written for radio, and a song that was written for the soul. Both types of songs have their role in the industry. But for this particular song, I was just trying to get the anguish off my chest. I wanted so deeply for my family to understand why I can’t walk away from music. I wanted to be truly understood for who I am. I can’t speak for everyone, but maybe that’s why people relate to this song. Everyone wants to be understood. Everyone wants their mom or dad, or somebody they look up to to be proud of them. The writing session for “Mama” was one of the easiest sessions of my life. I didn’t have to think about the rhyming scheme, or what chord progressions to use. It was just sort of sitting there like I had known the song my whole life.
Who was the featured male vocalist on the hook for "Mama?" Was he a part of the team that helped bring the song to life?
Zach Radcliff was kind enough to lend his beautiful voice for the harmony on “Mama.” Zach was one of the individuals that helped bring this song to life. He took my basic piano melody and embellished it in the studio, adding his magic touch. Zach is also an incredible vocal coach in the studio, and this was the first song we recorded together. I should also mention Chuck Alkazian, who produced this song and did an extraordinary job.
What thoughts or emotions did you want to get across with "Mama?" What impression did you want to leave on the listener?
I think I’ve touched on this a bit already, but I’ll go a little deeper. When writing the song, and when filming the music video for it, I wanted it to be more than just a letter to my mom. I was almost afraid that people would listen to it for that, and think ‘Oh how nice, she wrote a song for her mom’ and go on with their day. And not that there’s anything wrong with that, but you would be missing the layer underneath. There is underlying desperation to “Mama”, and it grips me every time I play it. It is a desperation to be understood and a need to be extraordinary in a world that tells you every day that you are neither. I hope that resonates with the listener.
What's next for you?
I was back in the studio this September, finishing up some songs that should take me well into 2022! I am currently working with my team to create music videos for those singles. I don’t want to give away too much, but I have several projects I am working on that I cannot wait to share. In between all of that, I have been working as a camp jack for some elk hunts in Wyoming – so needless to say, I have plenty of inspiration for more music.