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Jules Maries Expresses Gratitude in, "LUCKY"

Vocalist Jules Marie can be found exercising her penmanship skills as a songwriter in Philadelphia, PA. Growing up all over Pennsylvania, from the Pocono Mountains all the way to the city of Philly and its surrounding suburbs, she found a love for performing original creations as she defies genres all over.

Best known for her unique voice, creative lyrics, and a wide range of vocal styles, Jules Marie can be heard making her younger self proud as she performs everything from RnB to Rock, Pop, Alternative, Indie, Blues, Country, and more.

The smooth stylings of her latest single “LUCKY,” has us fully engrossed in her captivating embrace. Through a series of striking harmonies and a sultry tonal distinction, Jules Marie elaborates on an elusive universe that tours us through the gratitude she feels while her final destination is being placed in the hands of the universe.

Lyrically the narrative has us falling into a spellbinding exploration of who Jules Marie is away from the microphone and behind. She effortlessly graces through the rhythmic components instilled in the instrumentation with a primitive particularity hindering in her alluring croons. “LUCKY” places our minds in a theatrical offering of vivid imagery that simmers in our thoughts as we grasp on to the emotion that Jules Marie utilizes in her delivery of each intricately crafted word shed.

There are numerous layers to the individual and artist that we hear. Adoring her exclusive set of techniques that set her apart from the rest, the manner in which we take in “LUCKY,” comes from a sincere place of relation. Continuing to establish her name with the various projects she has released, Jules Marie will soon be a household name at the rate she continues to produce heartfelt creations.

Welcome to BuzzMusic, Jules Marie, and congratulations on the release of “LUCKY.” We love the sounds that you bring us in this intimate soundscape. What inspired the creation of this single?

Thank you so much! I'm so excited to share it. I'm really happy you enjoy it! I wrote this one after one of my "usual drives". I spent a lot of time in the car as a kid. My parents were divorced before I turned 2. My dad's side of the family is from the Pocono Mountains, and my mom's side is down towards the Philadelphia area. Car rides were always a huge part of my life. When I was finally old enough to get my license you literally could not get me to stop driving. I would offer friends rides and always be the chauffeur. But alone was where I really did a lot of my driving, and a lot of soul searching, and a lot of thinking, and in more recent years, a lot of songwriting. Now that I am in my early twenties, I think I have easily spent more than half my life in a vehicle. Including sleeping in my truck/car more often than I probably should admit. It was another lonely late-night just sitting in my driver's seat, and I thought to myself how genuinely LUCKY I am to have seen and done so much at such a young age. I have always been quite the independent/free-spirited one. And because of my life "routes" I have gotten to know the city and small towns, and the mountains all very personally. I feel like I have gained a different perspective by seeing all the different atmospheres, and being able to adapt and even feel at home in multiple settings. I sometimes struggle with that feeling of home/identity, but more on that later. A story for a different song.

Could you please share a glimpse into the creative and recording process? Did you find it fairly easy to write from such a personal place?

As my friends and fans mostly already know, I write almost all of my songs in the notes section of my phone. The creative process starts a few different ways. I have been LUCKY enough to have a great friend and talented producer/musician, Jared Stong, along with me on this journey. He makes the most amazing beats and instrumentals. So the creative process starts normally with me listening to something he sent me, just humming melodies until something sticks, and then finding words to fill in later. However, for LUCKY I had these words already written and hummed out before Jared and I finally decided on a beat to fit it to. Recording and mixing is not his favorite, but he does it quite well if i do say so myself. Especially for the low budget, the quality is out of this world. (If you saw the room we recorded this in you would be amazed) He always makes it sound like we recorded in a high-end studio somewhere fancy. Nope, just a room, and a mic, and his laptop. The lyrics for all of my songs are personal. Whether it's based on my experiences, opinions, or just emotions in general, I always want to write lyrics that I feel are meaningful. I have had a pretty crazy ride in life so far and I feel like I have lots of stories to tell. Both good and bad.

What is the main message that you’re hoping to convey to your listeners through this piece of work?

The message in this song is honestly about my own self-discovery. Not only realizing how fast the years have gone by, but also what life has been filled into all those years. (And also trying to remember that I am still pretty young, even though sometimes I feel like I've lived a few lifetimes worth). The other main message in the song gets repeated a few times. "Don't you dare let your light go to waste, cause it really is true what they say in a second it could all fade away?" As young as I am, I have lost a lot of my friends/peers over the years. Whether it was car accidents, suicides, cancer, drugs... they are who I call "forever youngs" because they will never get to be in their mid-twenties, and more than a few of them never even turned 18. I think about them a lot. Especially when I struggle with my own mental battles. I have to remind myself of them, and that I really am so LUCKY to just be alive. We are all here for numbered days, and each of us has a light that we can give. Don't waste it. It's cliche to say, and honestly easier said than done, but we have to try and live every day like it could be our last because you just really don't know when it could be. "All we really have is one shot..." as the lyrics also say.

If you weren’t creating music, what else would you be doing?

On a lighter note... I can't really picture myself if I didn't have music. It has been such a core part of my identity ever since I could talk! However, if I wasn't creating music I might have worked in the TV/Film industry, or photography and art, or maybe become a writer. They are all other interests/hobbies of mine that I actually partially pursue now. My dad was a broadcast journalist for WNEP channel 16 in the Poconos until I was around 8 years old. He then became a film teacher and met my Stepmom. Now they have a pretty successful Videography/Photography business. I always loved being both behind and in front of the camera, and the art of taking photos has always come naturally to me. My mom, on the other hand, has always been an excellent writer and quite the grammar queen (she's going to love me for saying that, and probably has already found more than a few grammar errors in this interview). I think I get a lot of my creative writing skills from her. Maybe I would be an author if I wasn't a musician. Or who knows, maybe all of the above. I have also always loved drawing, painting, and crafting... and driving. Race Car driver, that would be a fun one.

What can we expect to see next?

I have finally started releasing music on a fairly regular basis. My last 2 releases were only about a month apart, and I am releasing my next single in mid-late May. I am also thinking about either a single or EP release on my birthday (June 4th!) I have been collaborating with a lot of new friends and VERY talented artists, so you can expect to see some exciting projects in the very near future. The next single I have coming out was recorded at a new studio in Philly, and they are incredible! They have a band releasing music as well as some EDM projects that I am really excited to be a part of. I also have had a song in the works for a while with Mike McGovern. He is also super talented and that one is actually a country vibe! All the genres, and collabs, and all the exciting music coming. Make sure you stay tuned!

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