Lawrence D is an independent artist born and raised in the heart of Nashville, TN.
Singing since the age of two years old, Lawrence began performing in church and other local entertainment outlets such as the Nashville Opera and local theatre companies. Embarking on his journey to create his flavor and pop sound, his third official single, "Wanna Be"t's," is a collaboration with Atlanta-based artist 219:am, giving you all you need to vibe ou".
"Wann" Be" is a classic chilled R&B/Pop vibe featuring faded lyrics and a nonstop beat to keep your head nodding. h harmonies produced by Lawrence D and 2:19 am are warm and unique and graciously usher the listener into the song"
"Wanna"Be" tells a story of how wanting to be there for your significant other but falling short to make the promised commitment. a rence D interprets his feelings in ways that are unique to him as he talks about he'she's changed in lyrics l"ke "Keep my past in my rearview, burn so many bridges trying to get to"you" and how her love made him a different person.
Lawrencisn'tsn't afraid to speak his truth. His lyrics are raw and honest, coming to terms with a failed relationship, and though thisn'tsn't a loss of love, the realization the two cannot be together without someone getting hurt is told in a loving and warm way. i ear for sound and hitting the right notes along the score "Wann" Be" an easy listening track, and LaweD's D's ability at allowing the harmonies and percussion to merge harmoniously is masterfully produced. we come to a close"to "Wann" Be" Lawrence D tells us how he thinks they should just stay friends and allow each other to b."
"Wann" Be" is available on all streaming platforms now.

Welcome to BuzzMusic Lawrence D, we are so happy to have you here with us today! e love the message you brought across" in "Wann," Be," as we feel it's relatable to most individuals. What was your main focus for this record, and how long did it take for you to complete? Thank you so much for having me. My main focus for the song was to show a certain type of toxicity in a relationship or situation-ship. We have all been in a certain push and pull with someone. They didn't live up to your expectations and promise of being there, or maybe you were the person who couldn't hold to your word of commitment. I always try to write my songs where anybody can understand them and make them mostly relatable to anyone. That was mostly the main purpose of "Wanna Be." It took a few months actually to finish this song. I was sleeping on this song for a while. I needed to find the perfect feature that could give the song the best approach. Thankfully, a good and talented friend of mine by the name of "219am" came into the studio in Nashville and literally wrote his verse so fast and did what needed to be done on the record. He s a very great artist and songwriter. I was really thankful that he came through the way he did.
"Wanna Be" seems like a personal, intimate journey. What did you want people to take away from the record? I wanted them to take away a kind of self-reflection. I wanted the listeners to know that sometimes almost is never enough. Sometimes we fall for the people who say one thing and mean another. We get into this thing where potential is disguised as love and lust. We also do this not only in relationships, but we do it in our everyday short-term and long-term goals ourselves.
As an artist who always pushes the envelope to prove they're different, what advice would you give another artist who is struggling to find who they are? The only advice that I can truly give is that you are where you're supposed to be. You are who you're supposed to be. All the puzzles will eventually come together, and you will be who you are genuinely and without question. Stay on the path you set and never stray from it.
"Wanna Be" takes us to a much earlier time in music where R&B was everything. Which artist from back then made you feel like you had to pay dues to this kind of finesse to an R&B record, and how deeply did these inspirations affect your style of music? The artist and singers that usually inspire me are mostly is Brian Mcknight, Luther Vandross, The Weeknd, & Sam Smith. These artists have molded me into the person and artist I am today. The way I write. The way I sing. I often always go back to them not only in times of need but also as a teacher. I remember listening to Luther and Brian when I was a child and singing every one of their songs literally till my lungs burst. I watched every video and played every song. It was always my dream to sing with these artists and always will be my dream. They have definitely left a very big impact on my life.
What's up next?
What's up next is that I am releasing my very first project this year. I'm very excited to be releasing every piece of me on this project. I sincerely can't wait for everyone to hear what I have been working on. Im putting the final touches on it now, and after that, I will be set to be released. Stay tuned.