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Lorenzo Gabanizza Delivers a Poignant Message in His Latest Single

Italy's own musician, singer-songwriter, and passionate recording artist Lorenzo Gabanizza teams up with various talented musicians for his latest emotional and meaningful single, "you're not there (feat. Jeff Christie)."

Gabanizza first became a sought-after act in 2016 when he released his self-recorded album 'Celtic Bridge,' which sold well in both Europe and North America. Gabanizza's cover of "Danny Boy" on the record saw vast success and landed him on the list of best Celtic performers in Italy. He's also landed his music at #3 in the European Country Charts and #6 on the MTV USA Spotify Single.

Now releasing his poignant and compelling single, "you're not there (feat. Jeff Christie)," this song holds a profound meaning with Gabanizza. Featured vocalist Jeff Christie left quite the impact on Gabanizza and his late mother, who passed from Alzheimer's; the two bonded over Christie's music. Now working with Christie on a song about healing, loss, and grieving, Gabanizza and his accompanying musicians are truly moving mountains with this heartfelt release.

Listening to "you're not there (feat. Jeff Christie)," the piece opens with Rusty Wright's soulful electric guitar, Hale White's soothing piano, Lorenzo Gabanizza's comforting acoustic, and Darrell Nutt's calming drum arrangements. As Jeff Christie's renowned and classic vocals appear, he begins to tell the tale of souls leaving this plane and roaming what the afterlife has to offer.

We adore the cohesive and well-rounded instrumentals that this soulful and moving piece has to offer; each musician and vocalist places their emotion on the table to create one of the most compelling pieces we've heard this year.

Don't miss out on the emotional and powerful message of Lorenzo Gabanizza's latest single, "you're not there (feat. Jeff Christie)," available on all digital streaming platforms.

Welcome to BuzzMusic Lorenzo Gabanizaa. We're truly in awe of the serenity and peace within your latest single, "you're not there (feat. Jeff Christie)". At what moment or experience did you feel compelled to write this emotional piece?

It was the day I buried my mother. Music and lyrics came along. It was and is part of the grieving and healing process. Art is a great means to exorcise and handle pain. Isn't that the reason why broken-hearted lovers are the most prolific?

What was it like working with Jeff Christie for "you're not there (feat. Jeff Christie)?" What was your experience working with someone who you've admired for years?

Dreamland? Heaven? It was just like coming home to myself. You know, at 18, I left home to enroll in the Army. I stood away for three months without any contact with relatives or friends. Finally, the day of my first leave of absence came, and I went home by train, a long trip that was something like 500 miles. I reached town very early in the morning, so there was no public transport. Therefore I started to cover the three and a half miles which separated me from home. I was alone, me, my big green backpack, and the stars above, the shining of which seemed to be a heavenly encouragement. Step after step, I recognized familiar spots, a home, a tree that I loved, an old church, the pit where frogs sang all night long...and I understood I was home. This trip, which had such symbolism and impact on me, carries the same feelings I felt working with Jeff. I felt myself again like that young boy with a backpack, walking towards his home on a cold winter starry night. Aside from this emotional side, working with such a legend is gratifying because you feel, as a musician, there is on the other side someone who understands what you are talking about. Maybe more than yourself do.

How did you manage to create "you're not there (feat. Jeff Christie)" with so many musicians and vocalists? How did you go about creating this single and collaborating with the artists?

It was not difficult, because they all are high profile musicians and outstanding performers. Every one of them was not chosen by compromise. It was a thoughtful choice, according to my needs. No other musician in the world could have performed the song as well as they did.

Who wrote the meaningful and emotional lyrical content for "you're not there (feat. Jeff Christie)?" What was this process like?

It's me. I am a songwriter, and so I write 99% of my songs. As far as the process is concerned, it was not a hard task too. Because I just wrote down my feelings after the burial of my mother. That kind of burning river of anger, despair, and void you experience when someone you love is gone. Music came along...

Do you normally release such moving, heartfelt, and vulnerable songs like "you're not there (feat. Jeff Christie)?" Or are songs like this a rare occurrence for you?

Well, of course not. I write what I feel, what I see, and what I feel about what I see. My songs are all about emotions. And this is just what I want to raise in people's hearts: emotions. If people listening to my songs feel some kind of emotion, I achieved my priority. And by what you told me, at least concerning "You're not there," I succeeded!


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