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BuzzMusic Exclusive: The Year of Matteson Gregory

This year has been the year Matteson Gregory has been waiting for since she wrote her first song at the age of 12. The pop artist decided that 2019 would be the year she made her dreams a reality. Her debut single “Comfortable” is a beautifully charming pop single that comes with exciting visuals that give Matteson’s fans an honest look at her life. She has a charisma and aura about her that's contagious and affects anyone who hears her wonderful music. Her debut single was released in May and garnered nothing but success. This encouraged Matteson Gregory to release her most recent single “Stayed!”, early in October. Not only has she been releasing music this year, but she has been playing various gigs and special events including the “You Matter Festival”, an event to promote mental health awareness

Matteson Gregory is an up and coming pop artist from Branson, MO. Growing up surrounded by music, Matteson owes her passion for music to her father’s band experience, her grandparent's karaoke parties, and of course her notable influences of Taylor Swift and Ed Sheeran. With plans for more new music and live shows, Matteson Gregory is the one to watch going into 2020! Listen to Matteson Gregory’s music here!

Hey Matteson, welcome back! We're completely captivated by your sound, you have such a strong and warming presence throughout your tracks. Can you tell us more about your intentions when you first began to curate your recent release “Stayed!"?

This release was completely different than "Comfortable" because going into the studio "Stayed!" wasn't even a lyric. "Stayed!" was literally written in the studio one day and then recorded the next. I was sitting in the studio with Sean Rogers and Forrest Finn just talking about my life and then Forrest started playing the guitar and it just came to be from there. It was a lot of testing out different instruments and sounds and I simply fell in love with what we came up with. 

You've had such a strong love and passion for music at such a young age! How do you think you and your music have grown since you first started writing when you were 12, versus now?

My music has changed so much because I've changed and grown so much. When I started writing I was at that age where I was still trying to figure out who I was. Especially when it came to figuring out who I was as an artist. Of course I've always written about my life but as I've gotten older I've experienced more that's allowed me to grow and figure out who I am. Long story short when I was 12 I was aiming to be a country singer and now I have figured out that I am a pop singer-songwriter. And I think where I am right now is exactly where I need to be. 

“Stayed!” seemed much more vulnerable than your debut “Comfortable. Is this something your listeners can expect in the future from your music? 

For sure! Of course I'll have love songs and fun songs but I have gone through so much over the past two years that have really made an impact on my writing. What I decide to release will be what I feel like is right for me to release at that time. 

We know that you're a lover of integrating a variety of elements in your music. Would you ever incorporate contrasting genres into your music, or do you think it would ruin the type of sound you're attempting to reach?

I would love to incorporate other genres but I feel like where my career is right now it isn't the right time. I'm just now starting to release music and I want to make sure I establish my sound first before I start putting a banjo in or harmonica in the background. 

Do you have any plans to release a loner project in the future? 

I've always thought about that but I don't have any current plans. Some of my songs I've thought about releasing an acoustic version of but that's still up in the air. I guess you'll have to wait and see. 

It was great having you here on BuzzMusic! Tell us more about what's next for you after this? Any shows in the near future?

As of right now I'm focusing on writing more music and booking more shows for next year! I would love to expand and step outside of Missouri for a few shows so I'm looking into venues for that. I will also for sure be recording and releasing more music! I'm honestly really excited about what's to come!



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