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Meghan Pulles Is No "ghost of sound," With Her Latest Single

Floridian raised, Meghan Pulles reigns as a classically trained opera singer and theater actress who transitioned into a Singer-Songwriter 8 years ago, after moving to New York City from Orlando, Florida.

Not planning to pursue a career as a musician, her path shifted when she became awakened to the musical healing, and spirituality of songwriting.

Learning to love the tribulations of life through processing by creating music, Megan Pulles wholeheartedly believes that songwriting is cathartic; an emotional band-aid to help heal, and to overcome past obstacles faced in life.

With her latest single, “ghost of sound,” Meghan Pulles maintains the journey in which she paves for listeners as she creates melodies to help heal, soothe, motivate, and inspire others enduring pain.

Buried in the prosperous strains constructed by grand keys and mesmerizing chords, “ghost of sound,” radiates a captivating pull as we delve into the heartfelt essence that Meghan Pulles exudes. An alluring vocal performance shines a light on the sweet timbres from the emerging Pop artist.

Dazzling listeners in an immersive illustration that acts as a sonic grasp of emotional connection, we hear the message that is placed into the abstract writings we are offered. Meghan Pulles tells a tale of losing your voice and the ability to listen to yourself. While encouraging listeners to regain that sense of confidence from within, Meghan Pulles embraces her audience through her introspection in an uplifting manner as she pours her heart and soul into this record.

We can’t help but be moved by this piece as we experience an earnest nostalgia of thoughts rampaging amongst our headspace. Meghan Pulles has the ability to draw us towards the warmth of her therapeutic ways in such an effortless manner as if it were meant to be. As she proves time and time again, she is not only extremely talented, but she holds deep meaning behind the creations she puts forth.

As we embrace, “ghost of sound,” we hope that Meghan Pulles never dulls her shine.

Welcome to BuzzMusic, Meghan Pulles! Congratulations on the release of, “ghost of sound.” We can truly hear the emotion overflowing in such a powerful manner! What moment or story inspired the story behind, “ghost of sound?"

I am so happy you can hear that come out in this song! This is one of the most personal and vulnerable ones I have put out so far, and I am so excited that you are receiving it that way. This song is about the fear that comes with childhood ghosts or trauma that follow people into adulthood, and for me, that is the reality that I could’ve lost my hearing had I not had my two ear surgeries at 17 and now 31. This song is speaking on how overwhelming trauma and fear can be but also that we must let it empower us instead of letting it shy us away from doing what we love and what brings us fulfillment in life.

Could you please share a glimpse of what the creative process look like when fashioning, “ghost of sound?"

Of course, so I wrote this song last November back when I first started having ear problems in my left ear that didn’t seem to be resolving, and so the past memories of being told that I would lose my hearing when I was younger kept popping up in my head, and so this song flowed out of me as a chance to own those fears, and let those feelings and fears empower me to face whatever may happen in my future. I knew immediately upon writing it that it was going to be a different genre musically for me and that it would be transformational for me as an artist in sharing something so personal with my audience. In February, I had the track done and then the release was delayed due to the pandemic and I didn’t get around to re-recording the vocals until November, which was also after my ear surgery almost four months ago. It feels really good to step into this light even after being put through surgery and I am so proud of this song. This is me owning the struggle of going through the ear issues and coming out stronger. I find it very coincidental that I wrote this song back last year before I knew that I had to have surgery again, it’s kind of magical.

As an artist, what happens to be your favorite part of the creation process?

My favorite part of the creation process has to be writing the song, it feels like I am being possessed by some energy that leads me down this road, and I am always so down to follow that to wherever it ends up. Inspiration is such a beautiful thing on this earth, and I am so grateful for it. I also love hearing the final mix of the song, that is where it all comes together and you can start to see the different colors through the instrumentation.

What non-musical inspirations do you allow to speak into the music that you create?

I love this question so much. In this global pandemic, I have been writing a lot, reading a lot, and watching a lot of TV/film. I think I definitely soak up inspiration from the stories I see on TV and film, and in events that happen every day with friends and family of mine. One of the examples of that is a song that I recently wrote this week about my grandma Virginia who passed away 9 years ago. I had this random urge to read her obituary, and out came a song. I love how that can just happen with anything with me.

What goals do you have in mind with your music going into the new year?

One of the goals I have is to record and release an album. I have been writing so much over this pandemic that I have really started to craft a fairy tale storytelling album about emotional abuse, which is something that I don’t think a lot of people talk about. I am really excited to share that story and release a full body of work. I also think I would like to release a Christmas EP of original Christmas songs as well since I’ve been writing a lot of Christmas songs this year too.


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