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Michelle-Lee Is a Vision in Holiday Sparkle With “This Year”

Consider singer Michelle-Lee a candle in this strikingly nocturnal era of modern music. In an age where the themes of misogyny and drugs are universal yet monotonous, the bright talent Michelle-Lee lights up the room with a refreshing, ear-grabbing voice that must be identified when heard.

Invoking the soulful melody of legends like Anita Baker and Toni Braxton, she also provides progressive songwriting in the build of new-age Christian vocalists Koryn Hawthorne and Mali Music. Stylish, spiritual, and an incredibly fun-loving person, Michelle-Lee is the one-stop-shop artist that offers a truthful, intimate sound enveloped by a warm and inviting aura.

Bringing this warmth into our hearts this holiday season, we get graced by the lulling presence of Michelle-Lee's latest jingle, "This Year." With a cinematic spin that makes you feel like you've entered an enchanted Hallmark movie, the angelic reverberations of her timbres come soaring into your sound system. Infused with a striking amount of soul, the infatuation we share with this composition has us feasting on the heartfelt tenors shaking our core.

Each glorious harmony carries us into the brilliant sonic grooves that obtain a classical foundation before Michelle-Lee speaks poignant words surrounding love during the holidays. She charismatically tours her vocal range with lyrical motifs such as 'The truth is this year is different, but that won't change what's in my heart. And even though we aren't together, we will never be apart,' the monumental statue of her wording takes complete control of the narrative and emotion shed.

Michelle-Lee dramatically plays into the themes of the holidays in a way that is wholly unique and exclusive to her stylings as an artist, ensuring that her signature sound is represented in a reflective manner. As she profoundly conveys a delicate sprinkling of joy this holiday season, "This Year" will reside in our mind as the staple Christmas hit that Michelle-Lee impeccably transmits.

Welcome to BuzzMusic, Michelle-Lee! We love listening to the moving essence of your Christmas single "This Year." With a triumphant swing to this record, what was it like working with Jon Christopher Webb to bring life to this song?

Chris is like a brother to me so writing a song together was just an additional avenue of our friendship. We've had the opportunity of sharing the stage together whether it be him playing keys for me or me singing background for him during a show. I even had the opportunity to sing his beautiful wife Drea down the aisle at their wedding. He's an amazing singer and musician so when it was time to create, it was a no-brainer to call him\ and get to work. How does the creative process vary when structuring together a song about the holiday season? Did you find that this put you in the holiday spirit when writing it?

This is actually the first Holiday song I've ever written so I wasn't sure what direction it would take but when Chris and I sat down to create, the song took a shape of its own. Ironically, we wrote this song last year during the holiday season when everyone's life was turned upside down because of the pandemic. People all around us had lost close ones due to covid throughout the year and now weren't able to spend the holidays with those they loved. Fear, disappointment, and uncertainty flooded our world and I wanted this song to target the one unchanging emotion, love. The words for this song jumped on the page and explained exactly what we were all feeling and are STILL feeling. "This Year" isn't your average Christmas song but it's appropriate for the times we're living in. We know that many artists find it difficult to tap into a loving headset when writing their music. Do you find it easy to write about narratives of love?

Being a Christian artist, love is embedded in practically all of my music. God is love so I probably couldn't escape love in my music if I tried LOL. The beautiful thing about Christianity is that regardless of what is happening around you, regardless of the trials we face, we know that God's love never fails and never waivers. It supersedes our mistakes, our downfalls, our setbacks. For me, it's not hard to write about love because I've experienced it and felt it even in the moments I didn't deserve it. I'm honored to share that love in my music for those who may not have had the opportunity yet. What central theme would you like your fan base to take away from "This Year?"

I would want my fanbase to focus on the good when surrounded by uncertainty. Yes, we've lost loved ones. Yes, we now live in a new norm with no guarantee that things will go back to the way they were but we're still here. There are assignments each of us has on this earth that need to be carried out. The importance of life and those we love have become a priority and should be expressed to one another. We've witnessed that tomorrow isn't promised and not one race, gender, or class has the power to excuse any of us. We've lost a lot but we should focus on what we do have and cherish it.

What's next for you?

We are currently working on an outreach project to share the love this holiday season so definitely be on the lookout for that. The album will be coming out in 2022 which I'm excited about since I haven't released a group of works since 2016. Completely new sound and transparent content that I think you will fall in love with. Next year will be busy with tons of releases and events lined up but for now, enjoy the moment "This Year."


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