Oscar the King is a psychedelic group from Kitchener, Ontario, Canada, self-described as “a couple of hippies placed on Earth to make this world a better place through the sound of our music.” Oscar the King aims to put you in a trance and have you questioning your very existence, walking into the abyss of endless happiness to see what you might find on the other side.
“Peace” is the latest single offered by Oscar the King. The song begins with a sense of tranquility. Piano and nicely understated synth sounds comprise the intro, lulling the listener into a comfortable state of bliss. The verse emerges with vocals that are unique in the sense that they really utilize the lower register of the male voice. This provides an eclectic experience, but nonetheless, the music is very approachable. The song is broken up in the middle by some contrasting vocals that are in a register more consistent with your average song today. This contrast between two seemingly opposite vocal types provide a great variety in what could have been a much simpler song, and when the low and guttural vocals return, this contrast comes full circle. There are some well defined themes of self-acceptance that permeate throughout the lyrics of this song. These themes are sincerely conveyed and will definitely strike a chord with any listener who has lived life. “Peace” is a great song that will keep you on your path, so give it a listen today!
Listen to "Peace" here and get to know more about Oscar the King below!
Hey! Thanks for catching up and answering a few questions. First of all, how did Oscar the King come together? What’s the origin story?
Oscar the King came from the idea of being a leader to the people that need one. I’m trying to influence the population with positive thoughts to change the way people think and give them a different perspective on life. I feel as if there’s not a lot of artists out there that make positive music that will change lives.
How would you describe your backgrounds and how you first got involved in music?
I first got involved in music at a very young age. I was like 12 when i knew that it was what i wanted to do with my life. I would write poems and songs all the time. I was always listening to music.
Who would you say are your biggest collective artistic influences?
My biggest influences in music have to be frank ocean, eminem, tame impala, jimi hendrix, lil wayne, flatbush zombies, john mayer and tupac.
Can you talk a bit about your writing process? How does your music get made?
When im writing music i go off what the beat is saying or trying to say. The melody is a very important part for me and it can make or break a song. I dont really use any special techniques or anything. I’m a pretty lazy person when it comes to doing things, so i feel like the best way for me to get a song done is to schedule a studio day 1-2 weeks in advance. So this way the song has to be conpleted before i get to the studio
What can we expect to see from Oscar the King in the future?
Within the next year you could expect me to be dropping an album and an ep. also i’d like to say that i’ll be working with a lot of local artists and hopefully a few bigger ones.
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