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Rachelle Show Keeps Her Head Held High in Her New Single, “Best Is Yet to Come”

Rachelle Show is an R&B singer-songwriter born and raised in Toronto, Canada. Starting at the age of 9, she had to fend for herself to survive abuse for the years to come and still has never lost her hope for better days ahead.

At 20-years-old she escaped that emotionally and physically abusive environment and has been working tirelessly to build a brighter future for herself. Back in 2019, when Rachelle Show was couch surfing between friends' homes, she began writing songs about her situation. She states that she wrote these songs as a form of therapy to express the pain and trauma of being 20- years old and having to support herself and figure it out independently.

As her thoughts come to us in the sonic form of her latest single, "Best Is Yet To Come," Rachelle Show professes her emotions to us vulnerably. Her angelic croons grace us from the moment we're all ears for her brilliant artistry. Allowing us to feast on the prevailing words that echo through our speakers, the connection brought to life by Rachelle Show is rather magnetic.

As she has her audience relating to the optimism shed from her trials and tribulations in life, we realize the beauty that comes from a record like this. Over piano-forward instrumentation, she applies spatial cues that have her words leaving an impact as they simmer in our minds. Encouraging those to set their sights on the road ahead, Rachelle Show proves to us that the "Best Is Yet To Come." The intimacy of this ballad leaves us basking in the quintessence of Rachelle Show as an artist and entertainer.

Rachelle Show has been through the thick of things in her lifetime and uses this chance to release lyrical motifs of truth that act as a melodic voice. Be on the lookout for this fierce femme as she is currently working on a five-track fusion E.P that blends R&B, Pop, and Hip-hop, set to be released in December 2022.

Welcome to BuzzMusic, Rachelle Show, and congratulations on the release of your latest single, "Best Is Yet To Come." We love how your bravo and optimism are showcased deeply on this record. What was the exact inspiration that led you to create this song?

I've had to fend for myself for as long as I can remember. Back in 2019, I managed to escape an emotionally and physically abusive environment. One night I decided to pack my things and leave because I decided then that I deserved so much more than I was tolerating. I started to write 'Best is Yet To Come' when I was couch surfing between friends' homes in hopes that a brighter future was ahead. The only way I could survive was to pour my pain out through words and music. It was the only escape that allowed me to keep my sanity.

How do you find the courage and motivation to keep your head held high when you've experienced specific hardships in life?

I am a huge believer in becoming self-sufficient and putting in the hard work to get there because nobody is going to do it for you. I believed that I deserved more than I was getting. It's just like any tough situation in life. You fall a few times - but you got to make sure you get back up, dust yourself off and keep moving. When I made the decision to bet on myself, I had no choice but to hold my head high because no one was coming to do it for me. It was hard and extremely traumatizing, but I kept focusing on self-love, trusting myself, and hoping for a brighter future in exchange for temporary discomfort. For as long as I can remember, I have always had the dream of being a singer and songwriter. I truly believe that some of the crushing experiences I went through were necessary for me to achieve my vision and work towards my life goal of being in the music industry. Music is my survival tool, and that's what makes it so solid for me.

Apart from the strikingly beautiful words heard in "Best Is Yet To Come," what other message would you like your audience to take away from this release?

My fervent hope is that my music will guide all who are struggling to the right path, regardless of their circumstances. My song speaks to not only the abused but also the abusers. Sometimes hurt people hurt people, and we are all hurting inside. I hope that in the years to come, we can break that cycle of abuse and heal our families. There are people who took their stories and their struggles, turned them around and made them into art. And this is what I want to communicate to women that the best is yet to come no matter what situation you're going through. Be kind and spread the love so we can all heal together.

What has been your biggest takeaway from embarking on your musical journey?

I definitely think I was made for this. It's going to require a lot of time and effort invested into my career, but I know that it will all be worth it in the end because I was born to do this. After all, my last name is Show.

What's next for you?

I recently got accepted into round 17.0 of the remix project, so I am excited to see what comes of that. I also plan on releasing my very first EP by the end of this year. I think people should expect to see a lot more of me. I believe that articulating my life experiences through music can touch many hearts and inspire many individuals to fight for and believe in their rights. My story is a tale of struggle, trauma, and pain that I was able to crystallize into hope and perseverance. I have a lot more stories to tell and more of my heart to share. I cannot wait to share it with the world.


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