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The Drood Is Back And Ready To Share Their New Single, “Psychic Institute”

The Denver, Colorado-based duo consists of Nathan Jamiel (Vocals, Electric Guitar, Keyboards) and Daniel Watts (Drums, Keys). The band originally formed in 2012.

The Drood returns to the airwaves with their otherworldly air and dark post-rock panache. Gary Numan-Esque vocals, psychedelically oscillating textures that weave around shoegaze dream-like layers. The Drood headlined a weekend show at Ophelia's Electric Soapbox, one of Denver's most sought-after live venues, and released two singles with accompanying music videos for their songs Psychosphere and Charles Mangrove.

As we start off the listen into "Psychic Institute," they bring forth a balance of pop with major aspects of indie-rock, with the instrumental easing us into the next part of the record, it has us feeling like we're walking down the runaway in the most fashionable thing we own! And as their voice enters, we can hear it filled with emotion and passion, he talks about being empty inside and how all the patterns in his life are so mysterious and so unexpected. "Psychic Institute" gathers up all our feelings and either takes us on a happy, fun-filled dance party or a moment filled with emotion while the record bleeds through the earphones.

The Drood talks about the message and says, "The lyrical message is a cautionary tale about the emptiness and transparency of mindless sentimentality." We see how their instrumental and choice of placement is impeccable as it has its own class and pulls us toward the story as a whole.

Let's just say The Drood will be around much longer than you think as they show the full star quality included with formulated concepts.

Welcome to BuzzMusic The Drood. We are so happy you could join us today! As we entered into your world with "Psychic Institute," we could sense it was really well thought out. How long did it take to complete this song, and how was it like creating it?

NATHAN: Thanks for having us! I started writing this song way back in February of 2021, so over a year? It changed a lot along the way. It started as a dance song, but as I added bass and guitar, more and more I wanted to “take the piss” out of it a little. Once in Daniel’s hands, it totally transformed into something else as he re-engineered it and added drums and more textures. We performed it live (pre-release) on a local Colorado radio station KGNU, which went great! But after that show, I realized it needed more gritty harmonics on the guitar. In fact, we had it mastered twice due to wanting to flesh it out further.

The song "Psychic Institute" is so versatile and so unique, you mentioned that it's a cautionary tale. Could you elaborate on that statement?

NATHAN: I had a couple of people close to me die during the time this song was created. I was trying to console myself by writing a self-indulgent dance song and thought “I can write something upbeat and positive!” which ultimately led to an emotional spiral as I was not being honest like I was participating in some sort of toxic positivity. I was forcing some false sentimental narrative to comfort myself. That then organically became the message of the song. If you force a positive narrative rooted in sentimentality, you’re most likely not facing the truth and also projecting a superficiality that is easily seen through. Gotta be miserable sometimes to get to a better place. Don’t fake it.

As a collective, what advice would you give to the younger artist wanting to form a successful yet confident band?

NATHAN: DON’T STOP. Respectively, Daniel and I have been making music since we were teenagers. Played with lots of people and lots of bands, most of whom no longer make music or art. Stay in touch with those people because inevitably they will sell you their gear on the cheap as it is just “taking up space”. Also, abandon ideas of fame. Make EXACTLY what YOU want to hear. If you catch yourself making music or art with the intent of appealing to a specific audience it might be time to re-evaluate why you’re making music. Be selfish, make the music that appeals to you, and if you mean it other people will sense that and maybe appreciate it. But the goal shouldn’t be for them to appreciate it.

As "Psychic Institute" flows through our speakers, we would like to know your future plans for the song and how you plan to show it off to the rest of the world?

NATHAN: We are VERY excited for the next few releases which will be coming out over the course of 2022 as singles. We’ve been filming some strange stuff to accompany the songs. Also, we have a very special show upcoming in November which we’ll be announcing soon!


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