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Tucker Woods Fires Us Up With Their Heated Single, "Who Loves Ya, Baby?"

The New York-based band Tucker Woods releases their stimulating single accompanied by a lively music video for, "Who Loves Ya, Baby?"

Led by Chris Hurd (Guitar, Vocals, and Songwriter) and Brian Motel (Bass, Keys, and Piano), Tucker Woods takes sweltering and raw Rock 'n Roll to the stage with a flair of youthfulness and limitless energy. Their recent single "Who Loves Ya, Baby?" gives listeners a spirited journey through exhilarating instrumentals and the catchiest lyricism.

Not to mention their intricately-edited music video featuring Tucker Woods' lively performance and a bubbly female dancing away with the 60s inspired moves, the entire experience the band delivers allows anyone to get down with their groovy vibe.

"Who Loves Ya, Baby?" begins with Tucker Woods' powerhouse instrumentals stimulating our ears and locking us right in. As Chris Hurd begins vocalizing with this Gord Downie-like delivery, we can feel the grit and fortitude infused into this massive track.

Their music video is incredibly edited, with shots of Tucker Woods performing the track while neon flashes heighten the energy alongside textured effects. The song's hook is entirely intoxicating, giving us this fun-loving Alt-Rock approach that's quickly smacked away by the scorching electric guitar bringing pure Rock elements. Their music video flawlessly reflects the energy and life exuding from the track itself while wowing us with the sharp and nostalgic visuals.

We've fallen hard for Tucker Woods' invigorating sound, especially within their latest single "Who Loves Ya, Baby"? and the entire exciting atmosphere portrayed within their vibrant music video.

We're genuinely swooned by your stimulating single, "Who Loves Ya, Baby?" What sort of atmosphere and vibe did you initially want to deliver when beginning to create the single? I didn’t go into writing the song with a particular vision. I think if you sit down and “try” to do something its almost counter-productive. You need to let it happen. I had the arrangement done on the acoustic with the lyrics and all and sent it over to Brian. Once he dropped that bass line in I think it was clear where the production was going to head. I had this real ’60s meets today/vibe with a bit of a modern twist in my mind, and he nailed it. As a band, it’s all about serving the songs when we’re putting a record together and making production decisions, and this one turned out just right. It’s a fun tune. Love playing it.  With regards to your playful lyricism within "Who Loves Ya, Baby?", was there a particular story or concept that you wanted to deliver to listeners?

Well, what the song is about and what inspired it are two very separate things I think. In general, I never particularly step into a song trying to be too specific, I try and leave it open to the listener to interpret into their own life. But, I guess what really inspired this song was my grandfather and the way he went about things. Most people think it’s a “love” song initially, but in reality, it could be about any relationship in your life. It’s about people you don’t need to hear things from, you just know. So that’s really what led to this tune; knowing someone loves you whether they say it or not. “Who loves ya, baby? Yeah, you know that I do.” Says it all right there, you know? Why did you choose to spice up your music video for "Who Loves Ya, Baby?" with scenes that trigger 60s inspired nostalgia?

Again, I think it stems from where the production on the song went. The song really has that 60’s undertone to it without seeming like a blast from the past. We kind of wanted to roll with that and develop some imagery around it. We worked with Tom Flynn on this video. Talented as hell. He did a great job of developing a vibe that was the perfect balance of nostalgia and today. Between the dancers, silhouettes, and just the general tone of the video, I think it really captures not only the vibe of the song but also the spirit of the band. Simultaneously modern and vintage.  Retro and nostalgic. Very cool to see it come to life.  Speaking on your upcoming album 'What A Drag!', how does "Who Loves Ya, Baby?" fit into the project's overall theme and concept?

The album definitely takes you for a ride, and “Who Loves Ya, Baby?” fits right in. I think the record really shows the range of the band. Some slower tunes, some real rockers as well. When I was writing the songs it was exciting because as much as they all fit together as an album, they are all very much different and unique from one another. And that’s exciting as a songwriter. You don’t want to be a one-trick-pony in this game. You want to always be putting your best foot forward. And I definitely knew once we began demoing the tunes that we were moving in the right direction and had something special on our hands. I've always been a massive fan of really cohesive records that seem to be more than just a group of tracks. So for listeners who enjoy the art of the album still like me, I think you'll be in for a nice surprise.   What has been keeping you inspired this year?

This year has obviously been a bit of a drag. I think everyone’s a bit tired and frustrated. And I’m right there as well. Pushing releases back, canceling shows, it has all sucked. But you need to be positive I think. For me, the extra time I’ve been able to put into writing and recording new tunes is inspiring in itself. And I choose to see things that way instead of negatively - at least as far as music goes. 



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