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We Dare You to Try and Sit Still to this Upbeat Bop by Lee Harris

Multi-talented Philadelphia sensation Lee Harris is on a lifelong mission to become the greatest entertainer. Exploring his talents as a singer, dancer, actor, writer, and producer, he is set to influence significant change in the world while inspiring listeners to pursue their dreams without fear. His success story can be credited to his energy fueled a passion for entertaining and fulfilling his purpose.

With the release of his charismatic new single “Runnin,” the vitality filled song paired with enthralling visuals leave little to the imagination as Lee Harris showcases his talents in offering listeners the full experience.

Teaming up with Eazy Mellow for the music video production, we jump right into “Runnin” as the funk-filled bassline focuses our attention to the essence of the big city captured from a birds-eye view and various street views. The smoother than butter vocal delivery from Lee Harris has us swooning over each reverberated note the emerging artist sends through the headphones. Fashioned in vintage-styled fits, the nostalgic styling cues have pieces of the 90’s dripping left, right, and center. As “Runnin” progresses, we are submerged in choreographed dance moves that have us wanting to learn every step for the numerous times we’ll be putting this record on repeat.

The swift combination of Pop and Contemporary R&B flavor the imagery with such ease as we get lost in both the sonic and visual journey that Lee Harris conveys. The spellbinding conveyance of the unforgettable chorus stays on your mind while you sway from side to side, feeling every beat exuded. “Runnin” is shining that bright light upon Lee Harris’ love interest in the song and music video. Expressing his over-pouring emotion in a true 90’s R&B manner, he takes us on this voyage as we get to learn everything that he loves about his beloved through the lyrics he performs. “Runnin” serenades us through each harmonious melody and brightly colored frame. If this is what we can expect from Lee Harris moving forward, we’re all in.

Hello Lee Harris, thank you for joining us at BuzzMusic, and congratulations on the release of “Runnin.” The entire essence of this track has us screaming each word! Could you please tell us about the inspiration behind the musical component of this project?

Thank y’all for having me again! I really appreciate all of y’all love and support! I'm really glad that the record and the visual can connect to y’all on that level! This record is really something that has been in my mind for some years now! And I finally was able to create it! The instrumental blends my funky pop r&b influence together! And lyrically I was really inspired by Twitter. I kept seeing tweets about people saying f love, and it really had me like “damn I will be on this wave too that's not good.” That made me want to write a song about running towards love embracing it instead of running away from it. Love is powerful and beautiful when you’re open to receiving it. You know?

You have some amazing choreography in the music video for “Runnin” and we’d be lying if we said we didn’t want to learn every move! As a professional dancer, did you find it easy to incorporate choreographed dancing into the visual scheme of things?

Thank you so much! Shout out to my guys Will Ferebee and Jamal Matthews for bringing that energy out of me! And choreographing this piece. As well as dancing in that jawn with me! The video wouldn’t be as dope without them! I will say it was easy to add because that's just the type of artist I am. I have always put music and dance together. I feel like it's somewhat impossible to have one without the other. What was hard was getting back into the studio after gaining that quarantine 15 and being gone from dance for almost a year!

Was this always the vision that you had in mind for the visual component of “Runnin”? Were there any obstacles you had to overcome in the production?

I can confidently say yes this was always the vision. Some things were tweaked because of the restrictions we have due to Covid. But outside of that, this was always my vision for the record. To highlight black love! And to capture a fun, dope, loving energy even in the midst of a pandemic! This was the easiest video for me to shoot in my career so far. I think the team that I had made it all worth it! It legit ran so smoothly it's still baffling to me. S/O to Eazy, Drew, Mal, Will, and Ace!

What would you like your listeners to take away from the music that you create?

I want my listeners to take away mainly that it’s ok to feel. Rather that's a feeling of love, happiness, sadness, whatever it's ok to feel that! And it's ok to not run away from that feeling! Embrace it whatever feeling it is, embrace it!

What has been keeping you inspired throughout 2020?

If I'm being completely honest it's been hard for me to stay inspired. At times I’ve lost my inspiration, my drive, and my vision. This has been a hard year for us all. But I will say keeping the vision of my future self in my mind makes me not give up and pushes me to keep going. Knowing that God gave me these gifts to put my stamp and make a change somehow in this world. Also my family and friends. I know some of the most talented people in the world. They keep me going. Also my fans. I get so much love I have so much support it gives me no choice but to keep going.


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