Abby Carey is on the rise as an LA-based singer-songwriter and former Bostonian. Exploring her creative writing as she features anecdotes from her life and the lives of people around her, Abby Carey combines raw, honest storytelling and catchy Pop hooks into her original creations.
Weaving us through the divine progressions of her debut single “Yours,” Abby Carey sets the bar high for herself with the way she immediately pulls us into her grasp. Providing a rich musical blanket for us to feel the warmth of her soul-infused energy, her raspy and soothing timbres grace the speakers in an eloquent manner.
There is a prevailing foundation that is locked into the intimate offering, as Abby Carey gets vulnerable with the words she brilliantly croons. Depicting a narrative that has themes of heartache and fallen hopes, Abby Carey taps into a side of herself that radiantly speaks to us in a personal way.
Fixating on the notions of the minimalistic instrumentation, we purely adore the simplistic nature of how it evolves through the length of the song, all while the focus still remains on the euphonious harmonies and atmospheric layers that get introduced to specific parts of this song as we seek out the intricately sculpted emphasis.
“Yours,” is an honest and mature soundscape that unravels with profound gestures throughout the song’s duration. What we already love the most about Abby Carey as an artist and individual, is how she creates music for people to relate to firsthand, as she encourages them to get over the tough stuff weighing them down.
Welcome to BuzzMusic, Abby Carey, and congratulations on the release of “Yours.” This debut speaks wonders on your character, and you now have us hooked! Was there a specific moment or story that inspired the creation of this song?
Thank you so much for having me! I’m so excited you like the song. It was inspired by a few different people around me, I’m nosy like that. It’s a song about how hard it can be to walk away from someone you love, even when they’re disrespecting and mistreating you in 100 different ways. It's a hard thing to watch and we've all seen it happen.
How did you know that “Yours,” would be your debut single? Were there any other songs in the running for this spot?
I’ve considered releasing dozens of songs over the years but I was never ready to commit. This is the song I loved the most when the time came to release something. I always told myself my first song wouldn’t be about a breakup but here we are. Oops.
Could you please highlight the individuals on your team that helped to bring this song to life? What was everyone’s role and how did they help to execute your vision?
My producer, Matt Montour, found me online almost a year ago through a Mac Miller cover I did. He’s gone above and beyond to help make my vision come to life and this absolutely, 100%, would not have happened without him. My boyfriend, Stone, was a huge help. He added some electric guitars and a few little production elements to bring the song to life. Matt Burns tracked live drums and Andrew Marshall played bass. They did an incredible job. Lastly, I’ve got to give a shout-out to my cats, Rose and Robin. They’re the real MVPs.
If you could achieve one specific thing as an artist, what would you want it to be?
Obviously, I want to be as successful as I can be, see the numbers go up, play bigger and bigger venues, all of that. Everybody wants that. But man, if I could just be a full-time++ musician, I’ll be happy. I just want to write my songs and live my life. I’ve been singing since before I could talk, I’ve been writing since I was 11, and there is nothing else in the world I love this much.
What's next for you?
I’ve got a million and one song coming. I just got the mix back for my next single and I’m stoked. It’s a little weirder than this one and I had a lot of fun making it. I’ve explored a lot of different genres over the years and I plan to keep that up. On a personal note, I’m hoping to volunteer at a local animal shelter now that covid restrictions are letting up. Animals are something I’ve always been passionate about. My heroes are Bruce Springsteen and the Kitten Lady.