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Alorangel Cuts Through Hazy Soundscapes While “Finding Truth In U”

Alorangel is a rising American songwriter and songstress with an undeniable passion for her faith and for creating music.

A passionate and now well-established musician in her own right, she decided to get into music at a young age after being inspired by her father, who would strum his acoustic guitar and sing for her. While she had some setbacks in her early career, Alorangel is a testament to how faith and hard work pay off, continually improving herself and her craft.

A go-getter by any modern standard, Alorangel would teach herself the art of vocalization after completing her Digital Media Design and Animation degree. Utterly true to her artistic vision and, most importantly, herself, Alorangel’s sound continues to evolve. Still, it is defined by her ability to seamlessly blend pop sensibilities with her faith-based messages. Simply put, she’s committed to making meaningful music wherever her musical ability takes her.

Her latest release, “Finding Truth in U,” sees her explore her sound even further. Backed by ethereal instrumentals that envelop you in an expansive yet comforting soundscape, Alorangel’s dreamy vocals tether you to the beat.

Although the instrumentals are something to behold, Alorangel’s vocals tie the piece together, beckoning warmly to the listener like an angel from beyond. As Alorangel looks ahead to the future, her commitment to creating meaningful music that speaks to her audience and her faith will continue to separate her from her peers. Her conviction and artistic integrity are increasingly rare today, and with her talents and dedication, the sky is the limit.

Alorangel’s “Finding Truth In U” is an ethereal, hazy yet warm audial experience that will take you on a memorable musical journey. Whenever you’re ready, tap in and stream “Finding Truth In U,” available now on YouTube.

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