Antoinette is what we would describe as an “indie pop diamond in the rough.” Searching for her sound and cultivating her own style she has found her happy place in the world of atmospheric textures and hooky melodies. A dynamic singer with expressive lyrics, Antoinette’s music is melody driven and infectious. Who doesn’t love memorable music we find ourselves engrossed by? Antoinette releases the irresistible and contagious single “Breathe” that took us by surprise due to how the transitions in dynamics were so smooth! “Breathe” goes through three different phases throughout the song we appreciate. It begins subtle, melodic, and simply caressing us with the soothing voice from Antoinette. It then transitions into a small moment of sass, fierce and the light twang in Antoinettes' voice. It gives us an element of electricity with a rapid fast tempo energy to completely lighten the mood and pop the bubble around “Breathe” that makes us feel like we’re being surrounded by an energy of sensitive emotions. What we interpreted from the entire record from the beat to the chronological order of verses and dynamics is that once you get completely excited by the song, all you have to do is relax and breathe. Antoinette strategic ability to convey a multifaceted hit record will carry her extremely far.
Listen to "Breathe" here and learn more about Antoinette in our exclusive interview below!
Antoinette, it's great to chat with you! What inspired you to begin writing music?
I’ve always loved to sing and would make up melodies in my head all the time when I was a kid. As I got older it became the way I processed and expressed my emotions. I don’t really know how I really feel about something until I write a song about it.
You’re such a compelling songwriter. Is there an ongoing message behind each song you write?
Totally. Sometimes it’s a simple message or just trying to sum up a feeling. And sometimes, as with Breathe, the song is a more simple way to discuss something complicated.
What’s the meaning behind “Breathe”?
Breathe is about the doubt and insecurities we all cope with on the daily. How just when you think things are going your way life knocks you down and makes you question everything. But it’s also an optimistic song because we all face these challenges and if we keep pushing forward amazing things can happen.
What was the best part of the recording process for “Breathe”, did you face any challenges along the way?
I recorded Breathe at Monarch Studios with Juno-nominated Producer Tom Dobrzanski (The Zolas.) Working with Tom was amazing and he really brought the song to life. We changed the song around quite a bit during pre-pro and it ended up I needed to write a new pre-chorus within a day. I hadn’t been used to writing under such a time crunch so that was definitely a challenge. I couldn’t be happier with how it all turned out though!
In your opinion, who do you think your music caters too?
I think my music probably caters most to people my age due to the fact I write a lot about experiences quite common with twenty-somethings (what am I doing with my life, heartbreak, love, heartbreak again etc.) But by the same token I feel like no matter where you are in life you can relate to these topics, especially heartbreak. It’s the great equalizer!
What’s next for you through 2019?
2019 has a lot of exciting things coming up! I’ll be finishing up my EP in April at Monarch Studios (release date TBD but Summer 2019 is a safe bet!) In the meantime I’ll be releasing the 2nd single off the EP in April along with a music video! My band and I will be playing throughout Vancouver lots over the months so check out my website for updates.
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