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AP Coley Gets Real on New Release "More than Money"

Mystical beats command "More Than Money," AP Coley's hot new release. AP Coley's rhymes speak of a higher purpose, unburdened with status or territory domination, his verses speak of what truly matters in life. Taking notes on the lesson's life has taught him, AP Coley is creating content that incorporates the principles he holds within to share with his listeners. His desire is for his music to stimulate his listeners. Each project is constructed with the intent that others will be able to correlate with the subject matter.

"More Than Money" is a perfect example of AP Coley's ability to deliver material in a clear and meaningful way. His rhymes aren't just rapped, it's as if Coley is reciting vows, to the woman that is worth "More Than Money" to him. Any woman would be blown away if she received a love letter bearing the words AP Coley has written for this track, but to have those words transcended into meaningful rhymes is breathtaking. AP Coley is giving Nicholas Sparks a run for his money with his romanticizing rhymes, and the hypnotizing instrumentals he's set his verses to, making this track a total vibe.

Discover "More Than Money" here.

Hello AP Coley and thank you for chatting with us at BuzzMusic. First off, what a track. You have created something very special and profound with "More Than Money." We have to ask, how did the woman this song was written for react when she first heard it?

To be honest, this was an ode to not just My GG, but all Queens. When I was writing "More Than Money,"  I thought about the value of a woman to the world. But I wanted to capture that same type of intimacy so any woman who listens to it feels like I'm talking to them directly. GG loved it, my infinite muse was blushing and flattered. 

As you mentioned before you take lessons you have learned in life and transpose them into your art. What made you want to start creating music in the first place? What made me want to start creating music honestly was the pursuit wanting to leave something greater behind after I die, combined with the want to do greater through what I love to do. I love music. I was born during an episode of Soul Train in 91. I'm literally made for this I love to see people smile and being an only child I know how it feels to feel alone. The world feels alone a lot of the time, but we are often too prideful to admit in front of someone in fear of judgment from others. Wanting to make the world feel less alone and trying to inspire people to want to do better daily is why I create music. God is why I create music. So many answers to that question lol 

There's a lot of hip hop on the market that doesn't have much substance or morality in their rhymes. Why have you chosen to center your rhymes around genuine and enlightening discussions?

People talk a lot, but we don't share enough of ourselves truthfully with each other. There are plenty of people that feel like they are in a dungeon living in their own skin in fear of rejection, or judgment from others. I want to be a part of helping people feel more comfortable to want to share their demons being transparent to start the path of divinity. I'm not perfect, but I try to be as transparent and honest with myself and to others as possible. I want to be a part of a growing community and culture who's first reflex is love instead of hate. I want to progress people through a genuine example whether it be good or bad it is still human. But always be a living work in progress. That is the culture of my sound. It's in my DNA.

Other than the influences you take from everyday life, are there any particular artists that have influenced you in becoming the artist you are today?

Chulo Ramon

What can we expect to see from you throughout 2020?

Another project will release anyday before the end of the year, join my email list and stay updated! my supporters will always get spoiled with great positive perspective, knowledge from my experience, music, and a genuine connection. Great vibes coming with every new release, nothing less than truth. 


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