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Artist Spotlight: Matthew Thomas Conveyed True Authenticity In 2019!

Matthew Thomas is an independent artist whose striving for his one dream, the love of music to come true. God has blessed Matthew Thomas in various different ways and music has been the most recognizable. Music has truly helped Matthew Thomas through some very tough times and he’s extremely thankful and gracious for it. Matthew Thomas has released various singles including “Miles Apart”, “In The Moment”, and “Mom And Dad”. What’s special about Matthew Thomas's music is how genuine it is. Listening to these songs I paid close attention to lyricism and tried to decode the messages behind the lyrics. Matthew Thomas's delicate and soft vocal texture filled with great quality helps serenade his listener with his poetically and beautifully inversive lyrics that convey an authentic vibe and representation of the feelings and experiences of Matthew Thomas. Matthew Thomas's amazing songwriting skills are what captivates us and reel his listeners into his music. Matthew Thomas is a spectacular artist who has more up his sleeve that excites us! I personally feel as if artists whose passionate about their craft tends to deliver more quality music and Matthew Thomas is the perfect representation of that.

Welcome to BuzzMusic Matthew Thomas! How was your upbringing and what initially inspired you to pursue music?

My upbringing was pretty great I was an only child and I had amazing parents that always wanted the best for me what inspired me to pursue music was just constantly singing everywhere I was and I realized I wanted to get better! And that fight just kept getting larger and larger for music

What was the message behind the lyricism in “Miles Apart”?

The message behind miles apart was that when you love someone so much whether they are right next to you or hours away that love never goes away because that person is the same no matter what I want people to know that if you want someone so much go for them don't let them get away and miss your shot at love

What was the most challenging aspect of creating your single “In The Moment” and how did you overcome the obstacles?

Well, a lot of people don't know this song was about my grandma passing away and it was very hard because she was my best friend my biggest supporter and she just always wanted me to succeed so now that she is gone I go every day with the mindset that this is for her I'm living my dream for both of us!

How would you describe your songwriting approach to your song “Mom And Dad”?

Well, I wrote this song as a thank you to my parents for the sacrifices they have made for me my whole life and in my music career and these last few years that haven't been easy I'm 20 years old trying to still understand life and it's been hard at times with anxiety and depression and they have been my rock through all of it so I'm forever grateful for them this song was the least I could do for them!

What was the most monumental single of your career this year and why?

I would say miles apart because it was the song that got me recognized and my first single ever which is so shocking to me sometimes I don't feel like I deserve to do this but I'm so blessed I get to do this for a living and it's never a job for me I just have fun making music and writing songs it's a dream for me!

What’s next for you in 2020, Matthew?

Well I have a new song coming out this month with a good friend of mine her name is Chloe Annette she is a great singer this will be her first song ever and I have a music video shoot soon and some more music coming out in 2020 that is going to be some new sounds and the start of my debut album is already taking place! So excited to be recognized in this article and thank you for having me!


Listen to Matthew Thomas here.

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