Based in Vancouver, CA, Audrey De Boer is curating music true to herself as an artist. The music she creates and releases is honest and whimsical. We loved Audrey the second we heard the softness to her sound, and we know pop listeners will adore her. Audrey has the element to her music that allows listeners to be put on a cloud--a cloud you want to dance on! The rhythm to her music is addicting and forces the listener to move their body along to the memorable tune. Using past hardships as a guiding light within her music, you can tell the passion Audrey De Boer integrates within her music is truly authentic. On June 28, Audrey released her hit single "Nice Guy" and it's one of those lively/trendy summer pop songs!

"Nice Guy" is definitely a hit within the pop music scene--the catchy tempo along with the innocent and silky vocals of Audrey make for the perfect hit. Audrey captivates her listeners with the incredibly sultry appeal to her vocal production. The dynamic within her vocals in "Nice Guy" is stimulating to the senses--her voice makes you feel a variety of emotions as the song progresses. One thing we really loved about "Nice Guy" was how light-hearted the beat was, we really felt it to be a feel-good kind of track. Audrey puts the listener into a positive and fun-loving atmosphere through her music, and that's the best kind of element to pop music. Audrey's aura and execution within her music is what sets her apart, and as a team, we were immediately drawn to the energy Audrey expels out of her voice.
Give a listen to Audrey De Boer's "Nice Guy" here, and continue reading for Audrey's exclusive interview.
Hey there Audrey! Please introduce yourself to our readers and give them an idea of who you are as an artist!
Hi! My name is Audrey De Boer, I am a 17 year old singer /songwriter, from Vancouver, British Columbia, Canada. As an artist, I am telling stories of love, self-awareness, and vulnerabilities; therefore making my lyrics deeply personal.
What would you say is the most integral element of your music? How do you express this element clearly in what you produce?
The most integral element of my music is the emotion and feelings that my audience can connect to and associate their own situations to. Whether that is through the music production itself, the lyrics that I write or both. I want my listeners to be drawn in by what they feel when they hear my songs. People are going through so many things when they are listening to music and therefore their connection to the sound or lyrics can be different depending on mood, or where they are listening, but my goal is that in one aspect of my music they find a connection through the emotion of the beat or the lyrics. I am very connected to what I put into both the production and the writing so staying true to this is always the top priority.
"Nice Guy" is an incredibly catchy and fun-loving song! What emotion were you trying to get your listeners to feel when listening to the track?
Thank you! The overall emotion of “Nice Guy” is really more about pushing through many emotions to stand up for self awareness and self care. The difference between knowing what is the best thing for you and ultimately choosing yourself over being treated poorly sounds easy but too often it is passed over because it's easier to stay rather than leave. “Nice Guy” is an anthem to for all of us to be emotionally honest with ourselves, and follow whatever you truly feel is right.
What were some challenges, if any, while curating "Nice Guy"? Did you ever run into personal challenges during the creation process?
When I was writing “Nice Guy” I started the process by just writing the story of what was happening as I felt it. However writing from the raw truth makes it an emotional battle to get through the recording as it is written from open wounds.
Where would you be most excited to perform?! Can we expect to see you performing anywhere within 2019?
The place I would be most excited to perform at in my whole life would be in a stadium full of fans!Most recently, I played a 30 minute set at the Canada Day Festival in Steveston, BC Canada and debuted Nice Guy to a large crowd. It was so much fun and the crowd loved it! Throughout this year I will be performing locally and hope to have the opportunity to travel to some cool destinations to sing as well.
Keep up with Audrey through her socials!