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Beach Haven Is Over The Hype In, "New Year's Day"

D.C is home to the Indie-Rock trio known as Beach Haven. Blending styles of surf rock, indie pop, and punk to form a unique sound, they began playing together when we were only 14 years old.

Exploring themes of teenage angst, anxiety, longing, and the many obstacles faced while growing up, they hope that they can relate to their audience through the music that they create.

Beach Haven’s most recent single, “New Year’s Day,” has your speakers immersed in what starts out as an acoustic frolic of warm sentiments, but quickly transitions to a rhythmic medley of Rock forward essence. The affluent guitar chords drive this composition as the feathery ballad dips into the theme of tight arrangements and syncopated energy. Fueling the quintessence of “New Year’s Day,” with their own amalgamated elements, Beach Haven’s unique sound feels familiar in a way that brings you comfort.

The moody bassline that acts as the backbone of this record has this song leaning on the wall of poignant concoctions. Beach Haven offers up a different take on the day after the most popular night of the year. They bring a newfound sense of realism to the table as they address the themes of not wanting to mingle and catch up in a forced nature. As the arrangement progresses through its sonic ventures, we’re swept away by the prevailing vocalization that takes the tracks meaning to another level still undiscovered by most.

Numerous elements allow, “New Year’s Day,” to stand out as the song embodies two universes to fulfill the composition. We get an edgy, in-your-face attitude that shines through, all while providing a tantalizing ambiance to feast upon. Beach Haven has done it once again.

Hello Beach Haven, welcome to BuzzMusic, and congratulations on the release of, “New Year’s Day.” What inspired you to write about this particular day?

New Years' has always been such a positive holiday and we've never really felt that way. All the "new year, new me" talk gets really annoying when you feel like the same old you and you've already broken your new years' resolutions. We wanted to write a realistic song about the new year's expectations for those who don't see the new year in such a positive light.

What has kept you together and inspired through the events of 2020 leading into 2021?

2020 was very rough for all of us, but through it, all writing music is really what brought us all together in the first place, and it hadn't changed going into 2020. If anything it really showed us that music more than anything is the thing that keeps us all going. We've had more time than ever to grow as musicians and write as much as possible. Though 2020 was a rough year, it's allowed us to sit back and focus on writing the best music we can.

We can only imagine the chemistry between the three of you. What did the creative process look like when bringing this song to life?

The song was originally written by our lead singer, Jessie. She had brought the song to all of us and we had all really connected with it. We thought the song was very relatable, which made finishing the rest of the song flow so naturally.

What’s the next move for Beach Haven? We hear that there is an album on the way? What are listeners in store for when it comes to this project?

Yes! Our first album, 'Greetings From Beach Haven,' is set to be released in late March. These were written over the span of 3 years mostly in our drummer's mom's basement. With this project, we never really had an objective when writing, we just kind of wrote what we were feeling. The album ended up exploring themes of angst, nostalgia, and the everyday struggles we were facing as 3 young teenagers. We're hoping to reach other people who can relate to our music and hopefully feel a sense of not being alone.

What can we expect to see next from you?

Aside from our debut album, we're hoping to continue writing and recording. And hopefully once everything opens back up again, some shows.



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