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Belinda Handy Unites her Audience with “I Wonder”

Belinda Handy is a singer, poet and creative writer who just released a song as you’ve never heard before with artist Payton Goldston. She found her passion for music at an early age by singing in her church and school choirs. Through her music and songwriting, Belinda seeks to spread joy and love to her audience without regard for race, gender, and culture. Since she is a gifted poet, she uses her songs as an outlet to tell her own stories and express her desire for universal unity and love.

Her latest release “I Wonder” is an exceptional example of an uplifting song that encourages love and forgiveness. “I Wonder” starts off with a multitude of different sounds; both electronic and instrumental. This unique backtrack continues throughout the song with a traditional drum beat and an electronic melody. They keep the music original by adding interesting sound effects into the background of the song. Vocally, Belinda and Payton sing in low-pitched voices that set a mysterious tone for “I Wonder.” Through their lyrics, they spotlight love as the key to making the world a better place. Belinda and Payton encourage the idea of unconditional love; they repeat the phrase “allow love to conquer hate” throughout the track. Belinda successfully created a song with a contagious and inspiring message which spreads love to each member of her audience.

Listen to "I Wonder" here

Hi Belinda! Welcome to BuzzMusic - we are excited to have you. Your song “I Wonder” sends such a strong message about love conquering all. Can you tell us what inspired you to write such a meaningful song?

I was watching the news one night and it just broke my heart to see so much hate being spewed against each other.  The killing of black men, racism being cheered and encouraged, fear being promoted as a means to divide people, the way we talk to each other on social media because we have different political views and a host of other things.  I sat down, cried and then started writing and "I Wonder" was birthed.

You discovered your love for music at a young age. Can you tell us how your music and has evolved over time? 

Music runs in my family and I've always been drawn to it.  My love for music has evolved from just a listener to now an active participant, from a specific genre to all genres. I believe as I evolve, I am opening myself to see the art and power of music.  I want to create and capture those moments that touch hearts and conjure up great memories.  I have such an appreciation for the creative process and have so much respect for what music does and for the people that create it.

We know that you specialize in writing poetry. How does this impact your songwriting?  

Oh, it only enhances it.  Poetry gives structure and timing and flow.  When you think about it, songwriting is an extension of poetry, whether the lyrics rhyme or not.  Poetry brings about order and in turn, gives my songwriting a solid foundation.

We loved having you here on BuzzMusic! Can you tell us more about what we can expect from you in the future? Any upcoming releases or shows?

I am excited for the future and my goal is to continue to write and release quality music that inspires, encourages and uplifts others.  I am currently working on my EP with an amazing musician/producer, Alexander Jones (Rebirth Productions). The EP will be titled "The Process".  All songs written by me and Alexander composed all the music.  I will be singing as well and also featuring some wonderful, amazing vocalists. The tentative release date is for March 2020.


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