Bigga$tate is a Chicago born hip-hop and Rnb artist who doesn’t simply just song write. He’s simply a freestyle artist who has earned over a million streams and views from his choice as well as sounding like a different artist almost every song. He’s sold over 350 shows and opened for various artists including Afroman, Wifisfuneral, and Kashdoll. After that, Bigga$tate has just been on the go with constant performances and various different accomplishments that have proven to be the rising success of this artist.
Bigga$tate released his single titled “Lil Baby” and this single was highly dope and super trendy. The song begins with a melodic piano introduction with a transporting trap beat. Bigga$tate initiating lyrics hinted themes of proving others wrong and showcased the passion and drive he had to be a success. Bigga$tate is undeniably talented and has the correct delivery to really project his emotions and thoughts. Bigga$tate is not trying to fabricate an image or be like anybody else in the music industry. Instead, he’s incorporating the popular sounds we know and love in today’s hip-hop culture while also showcasing his own individual swag and flow. Bigga$tate music appeal is purely fire! It translates well across the platform of motivation due to the inspiring lyricism, while also remaining balance in being “fun” Bigga$tate has nothing but musicality to give us, and he displays that in “Lil Baby”. I personally believe, Lil Baby will make a great mainstream record due to the attractive radio airplay presence it has. Bigga$tate doesn’t curate the transparent image most rappers do. Instead, “Lil Baby” correctly adds emphasis to the raw and uncut of characterized rap! This song is a smash!
Listen to “Lil Baby” here and get to know more about Bigga$tate below!

Hello and welcome to BuzzMusic! Can you tell us and our readers about yourself and how you got into creating music?
Telling you about myself : born and raised in Chicago and being abandoned as a teenager I looked to martial arts and music to find a me that can answer the tribulations for music I wanted to freestyle everything never having to write every person around told me it was impossible at the age of 15 I saw my problem was that I needed to grow my understanding of all the cadences and make it in a way where every song I make feels like a different artist while keeping signatures that is consistently recognized as me I waited to come out until I was 23 and honor the potential music allowed me to have by approaching it seriously if I was gonna be the first to ever make it all non written and remain independent if creative control isn't in contract within just a year of being out I've declined deals from QC execs and many other labels because of that fact and shaped my life up to being able to focus on music despite my troubled past I graduated high school at 16 and college at 18 all just to leave behind workforce at 22 just to focus on being a full time artist that can fund all his own tours and ventures and be crowned the fastest rising independent freestyle artist the world has ever seen in many big news channels including Fox News ,ABC News and many more.
Tell us about your record “Lil Baby”. What inspired you to write this?
Tell you about how i made lil baby : Like all the music I make I just go off the feeling I don't need to write it and this song was from the frustration of the people who say they support you but never go to your shows and the people who think you owe them cause they were around you at one point but you made yourself and they don't know why you keep yourself distant from people who will only hinder you in the future with their undeserved expectations turning into full blown envy full adults go make their own way lil baby's depend on others for substance.
How has this song been different than anything you've released in the past?
This song is different because within 5 days of its release it landed on mega united kingdom radio station BBC radio ,Major Chicago press outlet Elevator and scored me two performances at Sxsw with a performance at Bet Awards as well as in over 100 news channels about how great of an impact the song has made in my career as well was the first song that went 20k streams within one month also got an artist who passed up Eminem on the itunes charts to request a feature on it.
Who are some of your direct music influences and in what ways do influence you?
Direct influences : kendrick Lamar
Sauce walka
Black thought
Tobi Lou
What’s next for you Bigga$tate? We can't wait to hear what's next from you
What's next for Bigga$tate: I have to finish my self managed tour that still has a J.Cole requested performance for dreamville and Atlantic records as well as performing at the bet awards opening for cardi B migos lil baby lil yatchy and city girls as well as touring all historical black colleges and universities and ill be doing some work with schoolboy q 's camp and opening for major artists that's a secret for who though.
Connect with Bigga$tate on social media
Instagram: www.instagram.com/biggastate
Twitter: https://mobile.twitter.com/HabbitJSG
Facebook: www.facebook.com/Biggastate