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Break Free From Society's Grasp With Nicky Scorpio's "Irregular"

Nicky Scorpio is a singer-songwriter, and producer from the Bay Area, California. After growing up in the Bay, he moved to NYC where he currently resides.

What makes Nicky Scorpio stand out from the crowd is his perspective and story. He was raised in a LGBTQ+ family with 2 mothers and a gay birth father in a very rough part of town. After his family split up, Nicky lost his father to AIDs. Moving to a better neighborhood only opened him up to bullying from the rich kids while his mother, a teacher for severely handicapped children worked up to 5 jobs a week just to stay afloat.

These life experiences enabled him to be an observer of poverty, violence, homophobia, racism, and injustice. Nicky Scorpio is here to change and address the hypocrisy of how our system divides and disconnects us and how much more powerful we can be when we come together.

Debuting in the music industry with the release of his single, “Irregular,” Nicky Scorpio can be heard collaborating with Subtle Energy as this song incorporates healing sound frequencies with quantum physics. Consequently, the more people listen to this record, the better they will feel in the long run.

A larger-than-life bassline rhythmically takes over your very being as delicate elements in the form of chiming synths accompany the fortified foundation that “Irregular,” resides in. The movement that is heard through the electronic soundscape before us allows a brilliant use of air to create a spacious environment for us to hone in on the atmospheric realm set in place.

Nicky Scorpio’s intense vocal performance has us falling into his control as we grasp the passion in his timbres that showcase the flourishing production quality. “Irregular,” was created at a difficult time in Nicky Scorpio’s life, and is a result of pent-up anxiety breaking free from a lifetime of being told how to act by other people. Wanting to pull his audience into a space of inclusivity and liberation, Nicky Scorpio breaks free from society’s shackles weighing him down in the triumphant execution of this single.

As maturity rushes through the creative sector of his defining moment in this debut release, we know that Nicky Scorpio has a lot to share with his listeners, and will be the one to conquer any barriers put in place.

Congratulations on the release of “Irregular.” This song holds significant power in how it’s laced together and conveyed. What inspired you to get as vulnerable as you have on your debut single? Thank you! When I made this song I did it because I had to feel peace within myself. I was in a place where my world felt upside down and I decided I wasn’t going to beat myself up anymore or feel wrong for my choices and beliefs. I also really wanted for people who grew up feeling different than other people to have an anthem when they don’t feel heard or loved. I want children to grow up and feel worthy and good enough and encouraged to be themselves and not conform.

How did you find the overall process of recording your first song? Were there certain parts you enjoyed more than others? The best part of this song was how naturally the lyrics came to me. I felt like I channeled these lyrics and covered the many different sides of humanity we all face at one point or another. I really pushed myself vocally in this song and it was not only fun, it was also empowering to speak a message of hope for those of us who feel beat down or unique. Could you please tell us about your collaboration with Subtle Energy? How did this come to be and what was it like creating a song that fit this criteria? My friend Jeff Carrillo who owns Starfire Water introduced me. I had a conversation to say I love what you’re doing and want to open people up who are truth seekers like myself to show a new and also an ancient way of healing. Everything is energy and vibration and we can heal and tap into our real power through sound. So the more you listen to irregular the more or opens up parts of us we have hidden from trauma and fear. I’ve been on a journey to heal myself and my DNA by hanging out with shamans, healers, and people who encouraged that part of me. I feel like so many people are into healing and it’s not promoted enough in mainstream media. We need to know how powerful we are!

What is your mission statement as an artist? What are you hoping that your listeners can take away from the message in “Irregular?" I want for the person who has been teased, bullied, or abused to hear a song that celebrates them and to encourage people who are normally quiet about their pain and hurt to speak up and come together. Also, I was raised by 2 women. While I can’t speak for women, I will say that the culture of plastic surgery and filters creates an impossible image to live up to and we need to encourage women who create life to be themselves. I hope someone hears this song and can unconditionally love themselves, flaws and all, and share that same love with someone else. We can create a shift in our culture to respect our separate and collective journeys. I also want to say for anyone in the LGBTQ family who had ever been teased or bullied or shamed that you are beautiful and nobody can take that away from you and join me on this journey so we can change this world together!

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