Thank you for sharing some time with our readers today, what have you been up to in 2019?
I have been busy wrapping up my EP for it to be released in 2020 and doing side gigs from time to time.
Any LIVE show experiences or road stories you would like to share?
I had a show at a hotel and they were suppose to accommodate me for the night. They waited until after the show to tell me that all the rooms were taken. Then as I attempted to find another hotel, I found out that all the other hotels in the area was booked too due to some event that was in town. So, I ended up sleeping in my car until I could make it to the area of my next gig. That was a rough moment and I will not let that happen again.
With such a busy schedule, how do you find the time to rehearse and create new music?
I don't sleep Hahaha. The secret is time management. I am really good at managing schedules even when schedule conflicts happen. I always say "If there is a will there is a way".
Where are you currently located as an artist? Are there particular things you like to do when you aren't in the process of writing/recording?!
I am located in Los Angeles and I love to play basketball before I retired from it. I had major ankle issues which made me stop the sport.
Tour plans anytime soon?
I will be touring mostly the west and east coast for my 2020 tour promoting my latest EP.
When we follow our dreams in life, there are sacrifices. What do you find to be the greatest sacrifices and the greatest gifts of your career?
One of my sacrifice was putting off buying a home. I really want to own property, but that time hasn't come yet since I have to personally finance my music career being an independent artist. The greatest gift is the freedom and control to manage my own career. When I made the Billboard Charts that confirmed that I am doing a decent job.
Don't forget to connect with Kelvin Frazier & his music through his socials below!