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Cash In on the Sweet Rush of “Cherry Bomb” by Alexander James Rodriguez

British pop star Alexander James Rodriguez is no stranger to making hit studio records that have people enthralled with his captivating talents. The 14-year-old initially rose to fame at the top of 2021 when he received the Rising Star Award at the Hollywood Music in Media Awards for his debut single, 'My Crew.' Having released his tenth single, the highly anticipated "Cherry Bomb" brings forth his love for strawberries and takes this fresh fruit to a whole new level.

Transitioning to a laser-focus for Alexander James Rodriguez' latest music video and single for the ever so sweet "Cherry Bomb," the 1950's styled diner and pop of cherry hues immediately fill our screen and speakers with bliss.

Switching his octaves in a high octane performance as he confesses his admiration towards the apple of his eye, Alexander James Rodriguez puts on a vibrant performance in this buoyantly professed release. The cinematic sequence plays upon the upbeat vigor that "Cherry Bomb" possesses as Alexander James Rodriguez shares his vocal energy on screen through each mesmerizing croon performed.

Such a brilliant presence lies within the creative direction and how Alexander James Rodriguez and his team managed to capture the song and music videos' captivating essence on such a cohesive level. It's hard to allow the song to come to completion as you're left wanting more of the charismatic charm displayed by this talented being.

Although embodying a heated, summertime ambiance in the bright colors and fashion that's styled in "Cherry Bomb," this song has no seasonal limitations as it brings rays of light to your day or night. Get a healthy dose of "Cherry Bomb," and give in to the hype that surrounds Alexander James Rodriguez. We promise you won't regret it.

Welcome back to BuzzMusic Alexander, it’s always a pleasure when we get to chat with you. We are obsessed with the captivating essence of “Cherry Bomb.” Based on your love for fruit, and transitioned into the motion of love, what inspired the witty metaphors that come pouring through this single?

Thank you for having me. When I received the initial beat to write on, it just felt so fruity and had a zest already to it that having a sweet fruity lyric seemed a natural way to go. It’s no secret my favorite fruit is the strawberry so I started jotting down lyrics that could metaphorically work, but I hit a few blank walls. I began researching raspberries, gooseberries, anything sweet and came across a wild cherry. Wild turned into a flower, which transitioned into the metaphors of sweet and sour. I write a lot with my mum, so we brainstormed concepts and landed on a cherry bomb. She told me to research what a cherry bomb was and to think about what that might look like for me. So, I started thinking about a unique and vibrant person who has a striking beauty and an incomparable firecracker personality who sets any room alight when walking in. The type that everyone notices – they absorb the air with their amazing presence and natural beauty – bright smile and aura. I also wanted her to seem unobtainable. So confident that she had that Brit-pop Spice Girl girl power. And so began the metaphors – hot temptation, sweet sensation.

The set of the music video looked like a blast to be on! Could you please share a glimpse into the creative direction for this music video and what it was like filming “Cherry Bomb?"

First, we had to find our “Cherry Bomb”. We knew we had to find someone that fit the song lyrics. It’s actually funny because we were invited to a teen influencer event at the end of July. I was performing my song Bella Loquita and Freedom. My mum kept nudging me and whispering – I think she would make a great cherry bomb about teen model Ava Rose. I was a bit mortified. I thought she was going to approach her there and then but instead my mum did her usual – chat and getting to know your social butterfly vibe. She walked away and said, "yep she’s a cherry bomb!" Next, my mum and I brainstormed the story. We wanted to film at a school – with lockers and water fountains but schools were about to be re-opened so that option was proving difficult. We sat for hours scrolling through locations and came across the diner. It was bright, and with dancers and some colorful outfits in mind, we wrote up the storyboard. Every shot you see was part of the initial story. A girl walks into a diner. Everyone stops to stare at her beauty. She glides. Smiles. Sits and writes, reads, and the boy watches and then begins telling the story (the lyrics) to anyone who would listen. He tries to catch her attention. She doesn’t fall for it. Rolls her eyes. He enlists the entire diner to help him. She ends up giving in to his charms. Boom. Wink and cut. We cast the dancers, Isidora Villagra, Jedd Berina, Kaileia Dixon, and McKenzie Cole directly after Ava Rose agreed to be on board. We had limited space, so Jedd doubled up as the diner server. I then decided to offer anyone on my Instagram the opportunity to be in the music video. We needed 8 actors to make the diner look busy. I work with Marvin Brown for my own dance and stage movement, so we asked if he could come up with a Cherry Bomb routine for the song. The idea was the dancing and high-energy diner atmosphere caught the attention of our cherry bomb, so she couldn’t resist. There is a twist at the end too. On the day my mum and I bought fresh cupcakes, cherries, strawberries (of course!), other fruits, muffins, drinks, etc. so that the diner looked vibrant and a real setting. We even had cherry blossom in a vase from home! We had so much fun making the video – so much positive energy and laughter. It was really hot though. We ended up having more spectators than we would have liked, which heated up the room but made it work. There is a dance scene I am not in at all because I was so hot, my mum had to iron my shirt dry so I could continue. We will take two sets of wardrobes for the next music video!

You tend to have an effervescent approach to all of your music, and we love that! What keeps you inspired to follow this creative template when writing your originals?

Thank you, yes, I am definitely a pop artist. Being British I am influenced by British pop culture and bands like Wham!, One Direction, Dua Lipa, Spice Girls, and all of that. My template is really just that – pop music that people can sing along to. We get the beat and we let it tell us what the song should be about. Once we have a theme, we start brainstorming the lyrics. Music for me tells a story even before I lay down a melody and lyric. It speaks to me, and I listen.

What does “Cherry Bomb,” say about you as an artist and individual?

To me, Cherry Bomb, which I recorded back in February, is where I always wanted my music to be and continue to grow from. It was always going to be the one song that identified me as an artist. I waited to release it so all my other music, including Bella Loquita, could hit first. I fully wrote on Cherry Bomb, it was my brainchild. It is the song I have been able to express my personality through properly and is the one song I hope can be heard on the radio.

What's next for you?

Musically up next, is a Christmas single for fun and at the top of 2022, I have another pop song releasing. It’s ready to go. In my acting career, I just wrapped a movie called ‘Replica’ which will hit the film festival circuits and I hope to be booking many more acting and voice-over gigs.


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