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CASSANDRA Establishes Her Own Impression of Herself in "Made for Me"

Pop sensation CASSANDRA is fresh off the release of her debut EP entitled "Made for Me." Impressive with her well-known vocal runs and unrivaled sound, CASSANDRA has a knack for showcasing her talents in a way that has her immense vocal range shining bright.

Thrilled to have finally heard the release of her mesmerizing debut four-song EP, there’s one song, in particular, that has us singing the words right back to the flourishing artist.

The title track from the EP, “Made for Me,” screams empowering anthem from the rooftops. Delving into a narrative that reiterates the importance of unapologetically being yourself, CASSANDRA uses her divine croons to express a message dear to her soul. You hear the passion being poured into this gem as she exudes the charismatic charm we admire deeply.

Wrapped in the effervescence distributed in the uplifting instrumentation the upbeat vibrancy has us up and out of our seats as we dance to the beat of CASSANDRA’s drum. Her vocalization of each endowing word illuminates the beauty behind the zealousness locked into the conviction she transmits. Establishing her newfound echoes, CASSANDRA is perfectly at home in the quintessence of her allure.

Sweeping our soundwaves with an added texture that allows her free-flowing timbres to burst from the soundscape, CASSANDRA has made it known that she has busted from the seams of classical music and is now making waves in her own pop kingdom.

Welcome to BuzzMusic, CASSANDRA! The last time we spoke you were beyond excited to release this EP to the world. How does it feel now that you have it released? Have there been any memorable moments along the path of the creation?

Releasing this EP has been a dream of mine for years. I’ve always wanted to create pop music and I’m so happy I took the plunge. Sharing my music with others is invigorating, and having a supportive team behind me while I do so makes my artistic journey so much more fun. For me, the best part of this EP was seeing how it was truly “Made for Me.” Each song highlights times of my life that have been very developmental. Through the experiences that inspired these songs, I have grown into the kind of person that can confidently and genuinely say, “I’m made for ME.” There is a certain level of inner security that I have been working to develop throughout my life, and this EP hits some of the most important moments that have shaped me.

How important do you find it to send out a message like the one in “Made for Me”? Why does this song hold such significance to you as the artist?

Made for Me is everything I stand for. The first verse consists of phrases I have heard throughout my life. So many people have tried to tell me to not work as hard, take a break, be less confident, and overall be less ME. However, between my inner sense of self and my supportive family encouraging me to stride onward, I’ve never allowed anyone to hold me back. This path didn’t always lend itself to huge friend groups or the carefree lifestyle that so many people value, but it has led to a certain level of fulfillment that I wouldn’t trade. Looking into the second verse of this song, I feel that it holds the most truth for my life story. So often, people encourage me to be who I am when they see the surface image of “Cassandra”. I’m a happy, bubbly person with a strong sense of what I want in my life, but it has taken a lot of work to get there. People value success but may get frustrated by the hours of work, practice, study, failures, and resilience it takes to achieve their dreams. When looking at the topic of relationships, these frustrations can often come between people. At the end of the day, no matter the situation, it is okay to realize that you and another person may not be made for each other. Not everyone is going to like you and that is OKAY. It took me a long time to realize this. A long time. But once I did, life became so much simpler. If someone doesn’t like how I tick, maybe we’re just not meant to be, and vice versa. No hard feelings, no bitter endings, just a simple understanding that we’re not made up the same way. I hope this song can reach others and help them come to this conclusion as well. Life is so much better when you’re staying true to YOU.

Each song you take us through, we truly feel the message and story that you’re looking to portray! If listeners could take one thing away from the EP “Made for Me,” what would you want it to be?

Made for Me serves to show people that you can do anything you put your mind to. A year ago, I was a college student studying opera moving home to study remotely because of the start of the COVID-19 pandemic. That was tough. Fast forward a year and I’m an opera student who has found a pop music team in Nashville, released her first EP, is going back to school to finish her degree and has a second EP already on the way. If you focus on what you truly want in life, no one can stop you from achieving your dreams. You just have to live for yourself, create your own opportunities, and be willing to bet on yourself.

What has been the highlight of your artistic journey this far?

The highlight of my artistic journey has been creating a team in Nashville. My producer, Scott Griffin, writers, Bryan Ruby, Fran Litterski, Cole Miracle, and Drea Gordon, and Audio Engineer, Mark Abrams, have been the most welcoming and inspiring group of musicians I could have imagined. Each writing session teaches me something new, and our collaborations make the experience of songwriting exciting as I realize how my songs can relate to many other people. Sharing my story with my team, and together sharing my story with the world has created unforgettable memories. I’m excited to share the next EP with you this summer, but for now, I hope you enjoy strengthening your inner sense of self while streaming Made for Me.

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