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Catching up With Mandy Dickson on New Album and More

February 21 | BuzzMusic

Hey Mandy! We're excited to chat with you today. You have a new album dropping soon. Congrats! We would love the inside scoop on what we can expect

It's an album of covers songs by some of my favorite artists, like the Beatles, Queen, Elton John, and more. The fun thing is that my versions of these songs are, for the most part, completely different than the originals. I love all the original tracks, but I wanted to reinvent them from a female perspective. For me, all these songs became about things I’ve been through as a woman. I think a good song is like a diamond: you turn it a little bit and a new light shines.

If you had to pick one song on the album as a stand out favorite - which one is it? So hard to choose! I would pick God Only Knows. It’s a really unique arrangement that my husband and I created. Our goal was to bring new life to this song while also paying homage to The Beach Boys version. We wanted to give our audience chills! A really close second would be Here Comes the Sun. Making an album is a big undertaking! Now that you are close to releasing it, is there a song you wish you had included but you didn't? It’s always hard to choose because if I had my way, every album would have 20 songs on it! But it’s just not feasible. I wish I had included “Killer Queen” on the album. I have another Queen song on it, and I plan to do a cover of Killer Queen for my Instagram channel so that my fans get to hear my version of it. What would you say has been your biggest challenge in the music industry so far? It can be quite a rollercoaster! One minute you’re on the most exciting tour of your life, the next minute you’re home with no projects and have to start from scratch. This industry can be extreme. When you’re on the road you miss home and sometimes crave solitude and space. But when you’re home, you might miss the excitement of being on the road. Eventually, I’ve to terms with the fact that being an artist has seasons to it, and it’s all part of the journey. But I’d be lying if I said that it was easy! Tell us who was your first concert? THE SPICE GIRLS!!! I still love them.

Where can fans hear the new album and find you online? You can hear the album on iTunes, Spotify, Apple Music, Amazon, or wherever you stream music. You can keep up with me on Instagram (@lifeofmandydickson), Facebook (@mandydickson6), YouTube (Mandy Dickson Music), and on my website ( Thanks so much!

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