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Up and Coming Hip-Hop Artist Raisinbran Opens Us up to His Musical World

Raisinbran is a gifted independent artist out of the Indianapolis area. He makes hip-hop music that’s different from the mainstream. He uses his music as a way to spread positivity to anyone who may need a different perspective on life. His biggest influences range from God, Mac Demarco, Mac Miller, EARTHGANG, and Tyler The Creator. Rainsinbran encourages his fans to love God through his incredible music. 

This year, Raisinbran has released a ten-track album titled “Abstract Thoughts”, featuring notable tracks like “2 Scoops”, “Colors”, “Dusty”, and “Memories”. The theme of the album aims to galvanize and educate listeners to change their outlook on the world. Raisinbran spreads his knowledge and lessons through his honest lyricism and positive attitude. Raisinbran is unapologetic and energizing, he effortlessly goes against the grain and is making waves throughout the music industry with his alternative hip-hop aura. He exercises his unpredictable lyricism and expressive vocal style in a continuously engrossing manner. Fragments of ideas, dark and intriguing, alongside short lines and quick rhymes make him an artist you’ll undoubtedly need to hear more than once to really connect with. Keep up with Raisinbran and his latest single “The Silver Donkey”, out now and available on all major streaming platforms! Check out Raisinbran’s music here and read more with the artist below! 

Welcome back to BuzzMusic Raisinbran! It’s such a pleasure to be chatting with you again. You seem to be an artist that puts a substantial amount of thought into your lyrics! Who/what has inspired you to be the artist you are today?

I’m glad you noticed that! Lyrics are one of the most important aspects to a song in my opinion. I would say that my old self has been a huge inspiration for me. The old Raisinbran was so lost in the temporary pleasures this world has to offer. Today I feel like Raisinbran 2.0 and after all the pain I caused by dwelling in selfish actions I have learned so much. It’s so cool to be inspired by mistakes I’ve made in the past because it creates growth in my music. I am also very inspired these days by Tyler The Creators newest album “IGOR”. When I heard that he produced every song on that album I immediately began researching and experimenting with making my own beats and sounds. It’s been so rewarding to learn how to get all of these sounds stuck in my head out onto the digital canvas of music. 

"Dusty" is an energizing and refreshing song. Where did you draw inspiration for this particular track? 

I drew inspiration for this song from the verse Genesis 2:7 “then the Lord God formed the man of dust from the ground and breathed into his nostrils the breath of life, and the man became a living creature.” When I read this I immediately recognized how insignificant we are compared to God. It’s crazy how we are created from something so irrelevant yet God loves us unconditionally. I wanted to make a song that gives people hope for death. We were made from dust and when we die we return to the dust and into the arms of our creator to spend eternity in paradise if we believe in him.

“Memories” seems like a deeply personal track. Is vulnerability something your fans can always expect from your music? Can you tell us more about this particular song?

This song is so special to me. I was away at college and I was feeling so lonely and just missing my childhood. When I dove into those feelings I felt nostalgic but also thankful. I went through so much during my process of becoming a man such as suicide attempts, drug addiction, depression, and various illnesses that I still struggle to battle against today but I have gotten so far. In this song I talk about burning down the hanging rope (leaving my suicidal thoughts behind) and how I’m grateful for the trials that made me who I am today. At the end of the song I say how I miss my old life but this new one is alright. It means that I miss my childish ways but I don’t miss the struggles that came with it. I realize the life I have right now is not to shabby when I look deeper into the nostalgia.

We know that you're a lover of integrating a variety of elements in your music. Would you ever incorporate contrasting genres into your music, or do you think it would ruin the type of sound you're attempting to reach?

I absolutely love experimenting with different ideas and I think if executed well contrasting genres can be really interesting. I am currently working on a project that is fully produced, written, and arranged by myself and I am integrating many different instruments into it. I have used lots of African and Native American instruments so far and I think this project will potentially show a new side of combining genres. 

How have you honed your songwriting style over time, and what do you think are the main qualities that make a song truly connect and last in the long-run? 

Over time I have been trying to make my songwriting style deeper and a little less obvious in the verse and more simplified and easy to understand for the chorus. I think these qualities connect to my fans because some people like to just hear a song and others like to listen to a song. 

Thank you so much for chatting with us. What can you tell us about your brand new release “The Silver Donkey”?

Thank you so much for having me! This song is about my car... sort of. The title of this song is kind of funny because I call my car The Silver Donkey. It's so slow and just has the overall presence of a donkey, but it gets me where I need to go! This song is about pushing through the hard times and focusing on the destination. Life can be difficult and we can’t tell what the future holds but God has a plan for us and we just have to stay on the right path. This song also symbolizes a road trip for myself as an artist. I will be gone for a while but I’m coming back soon with something new :) 


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