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Chippass Doesn't Hold Back in his Latest Single, "Bluitt"

Bay Area rappers speak their own language and Chippass is absolutely no exception with his own flavor to his panache best described as Yang Style.

Oakland Hip-hop traditionally relies on wordplay, mic skills, and bars and it always will embrace these roots of the genre. Chippass proudly upholds these three hometown tenants in the melodies that he creates. He punctuates vivid verses with clever quips, unpredictable rhyme schemes, and hard-hitting hooks that practically explode on impact.

He prides himself on not following the trends, but rather sticking to content that he can strongly represent with his keen sense of wit. Chippass allows numerous elements to inspire the way he creates and that doesn’t always mean musical roots, as one who is influenced by the books he reads, battle rap, cinema, and sports, he uses these muses to write about what he observes.

“Bluitt,” has a hard-hitting tone set from the jump with Chippass speaking his words of wisdom to get a message across. The soft instrumentation, in the beginning, allows the words he passionately speaks to be driven home. It also creates quite the anticipation as to which direction the record will take as we progress through “Bluitt.”

Just like that the up-tempo composition creates a strong supporting foundation for the powerful punctuation in his verses dressed with crafty one-liners. The communication in his vocalization expresses his story about the hand he was dealt in life. Throughout his well-scripted lyrics, he lets listeners know that he will do everything to rewrite his story, no matter what it takes

Chippass displays erratic rhyme schemes and hard-hitting facts that practically explode on impact. You can’t help but be overcome with confidence while listening to “Bluitt.” A sudden surge of energy takes over you and you immediately want to drop what you’re doing and go out to achieve all of your goals and aspirations. This emcee is recognized for the force behind his work ethic and his loyalty to the code of honor. It is no wonder that the words of “Be real,” and “Respect Yourself,” he lives by shines in his music with each word penned.

Hello Chippass, welcome to BuzzMusic, and congratulations on the release of, “Bluitt.” The power in your delivery is truly impressive. We would love to know; what did the recording session looks like when creating this track?

It was kind of a deep-thinking type of vibe at the time because it was a lot on my mind things going on .. so my delivery was aggressive more for me to get it out the right way a beat was perfect for what I was talking about.. s/o music philosophy.

What does a song of this caliber mean to you personally as an artist and as an individual?

It means a lot for me as an artist to paint the picture with the beat that was selected and as an individual, it meant kind of more because I was venting about the things I was going through but at the same time kept in.

What is the theme and tone that you would like listeners to take away from “Bluitt?"

Bluitt is my last name so what I want ppl to get is to always hold it down and never fold. Your name is really all u have. Take care of responsibilities and follow the rules.

What does your creative process normally look like when you work on your creative pieces?

A lot of cannabis and like 3 or 4 people and the music. I’m real chill and laid back not too much going on just vibing a talking to come up with concepts and ideas or I just go off what I’m feeling or been feeling.

What has been keeping you inspired throughout 2020?

I’m always self-motivated a doing things to keep me going so 20/20 wasn’t really bad to me I did a lot of great things an went through things I been going through so it evened out but as far as music I slowed down a little to gather more information the other things to talk about but it’s been ok. Rip to everyone we lost this year as well tho. Prayers.


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