Born to perform is hit artist Chloe Madeline, whose obsession in order are– Taylor Swift, puppies and bubble tea. By the time she was two years old Chloe had appeared in GAP, Macy’s and Old Navy advertisements. Heavily influenced by Taylor Swift’s first album, at 8 years old Chloe began formal vocal training and singing quickly became her true passion. Since then she has been in several musical theater productions including the role of “Santa Evita” which she landed in the show ‘Evita’ after learning the part a few hours before auditioning. She also appears in the short film ‘A Girl Named Khan’ and in 2018 signed with InRage Entertainment.
Chloe wrote the lyrics and melody to her first single ‘Magnetic’ that was released this April and has plans to release a second sing called ‘Stay Away’ in the early summer 2019. “Magnetic” is a refreshing track that is sure to leave you feeling tranquil and rested. Chloe’s voice is refined, relaxing and the way she articulates each note with finesse solidifies that she has natural talent in singing. She is impressive with her ‘belt’ and the fact that she is able to clearly emphasize the notes in both her lower registers and falsetto. She grazes the higher notes with ease, making this seem like singing really is second nature to her, that music is just a walk in the park.
Her level of ability and vocal power is extremely striking. Her exceptional ability to write lyrics that are descriptive and connect with a listener on a personal level, drawing them in to ponder the meaning behind these beautiful lyrics. You can hear resonance of older Taylor Swift in her voice and in tone of the song. This natural talent in my opinion needs more of this raw talent and with such a classic sound it is hard to go wrong with this tune. The melodies are gorgeous mixed with piano, string instruments, and drums – you are bound to be addicted to the sensual, relaxing tones of this track.
Make sure you listen to Chloe's "Magnetic" here, and continue reading for the artists interview!
Hey Chloe! It’s Fantastic to chat with you! Can you tell us a little about yourself?
Hi! Great to chat with you too! I’m 16 year old singer songwriter. I am currently signed with InRage Entertainment, which has been such a great experience. I love things related to the arts--singing, acting, dancing, and poetry. As far as my personality goes I am a really high energy person who can be really introverted at times. I know, it’s really weird. I am the biggest Taylor Swift fan you’ll ever meet, and my favorite color is yellow. My favorite season is fall, and I am addicted to iced vanilla lattes. Those were a lot of random things, but I hope they told you a little about me.
What is the meaning behind “Magentic”?
“Magnetic” is about feeling and experiencing a love so powerful and undeniable that you have no choice to but to believe in it, because it’s magnetic. Funny story, I actually wrote it based off of Chuck and Blair’s relationship on Gossip Girl, because that relationship really made me think about what it’s like to have that type of love. It made me think about the simplicity of really loving someone, and the intricacy of how it makes you feel. I thought to myself, “if I were to write a song about their love, what would it be?” And boom, “Magnetic" was born.
What gives you the inspiration to write your music and what do you find is most challenging when writing?
I think my primary inspiration for writing music is the way I feel about things. I find that powerful feelings, both good and bad, give me inspiration to write. If I’m not feeling anything very strong, I have less of an urge to write. I often find the feelings I write about most are feelings connected to love. I am very in tune with how I feel about that type of stuff. Whether I feel something new about someone or see a relationship on TV, it always gets my creative juices flowing. I think love is the most powerful thing in the world, so it often is what gets me inspired to write. I touched a little on this earlier, but it’s most challenging for me to write when I’m not feeling anything too strongly and/or I feel uninspired. Everything I write is based off of feelings, so when I am not experiencing anything too intense it’s more difficult to create music. When I’m not feeling anything strong but I know I need to write, I try my best to tap into an old feeling or maybe read some poetry or listen to songs and put myself back into the state of mind I need to be in. It actually really works.
Do you have any techniques to connect with your music on a personal level?
I guess since I write all my music I already connect with it on a personal level. 99% of what I write is based on feelings and experiences I’ve had. And in the small chance that it’s based on something else, I still connect to it. Even if a song is exploring an experience I have not personally gone through, it still emulates a feeling that I have experienced to a certain extent. I think we can all relate to experiences we haven’t gone through. At the base of something complicated or extremely foreign to someone, there is always a universal base emotion that we all can relate to, and connect with on a personal level. Feelings are universal. Sometimes it’s not really about the story being told, but the emotions and feelings behind the lyrics and the melody, and the emotions and feelings that the story provoked. These are powerful, and we can all connect to those. Even if you don’t connect to the base emotion, there’s always something you can relate to and connect to.
What can we expect from you in 2019?
I have a lot of exciting things happening in 2019! I should have at least 3 more songs coming out, which will complete my EP with InRage Entertainment. There is also a music video in the works. It’s really exciting, and I’m so so ready for everyone to hear what I’ve been working on. I will also be performing my music live, so stay tuned!
Connect with Chloe via her Instagram for the latest on upcoming releases!