The LA outfit struggles against their fate and circumstances.

Driven by a rare love for music and the burning desire to KEEP. GOTH. HARD., Los Angeles-based goth outfit Contracult arrived on the music scene and instantly set themselves apart with their sound.
Never afraid to shy away from speaking their truth, Contracult’s willingness to speak on issues like pain, mental health, kink/BDSM, and queerness has led to them becoming a beacon and safe space for dark culture and their fellow outcasts.
With a free, unchained sound and the talent and work ethic to write their names in the history books, this electrifying outfit continues to blaze their trail in the music scene, smashing all forms of discrimination along the way.
Comprised of members Travis Bacon and Nicholas Emde, Contracult came to be after the two comrades became acquainted playing for a different band called White Widows Pact. United by their love for industrial music’s big hooks and fierce guitars, Contracult was also the result of Bacon and Emde realizing their desired sound wasn’t well represented in the industry.
Never ones to be passive, rather than sit back, they decided to be that band themselves, and the rest, as they say, is history. Forever marching to the beat of their own drums, as Contracult themselves said, “Be the band you want to hear even if it’s contrary to what’s popular at the time.”
Contracult’s latest release, “Meek” (Fact Pattern Remix), is a deliciously dark offering that fans of goth and metal music are going to love. Coming in at roughly four and a half minutes, “Meek” starts off subdued before exploding with dark power. As Contracult twist and turn towards a fateful conclusion only they can see, muted and distorted vocals give way to the quiet rage festering within.
Dropping lyrics like “Meek strung out cold and weak / Redemption which I seek / Responsibility / I‘ll never blame me,” Contracult rejects the judgment cast upon them, forging their own path and continuing to stand up for the forgotten outcasts.
Contracult’s Fact Pattern Remix of “Meek” shows that the LA outfit more than has what it takes to stand at the top. Whenever you’re ready, tap in and stream Contracult’s new release, “Meek” (Fact Pattern Remix), on all majour streaming platforms.