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Dive into the Latest George Khouri & Joséphine Collab, "WILL & JADA"

Would it be tacky to believe that when two artists with the affluence for manifesting their talents in more ways than one, collude together to create music, somewhere out there in the multi-verses, the stars aligned?

Well, when you're talking about George Khouri & Joséphine, the aforementioned inquiry might make you think twice about your answer—which shouldn't really matter because that's what it feels like experiencing their latest collaborations as a musical duo.

On one end, a lyricist absorbed by the embodiment of words on paper and experienced in the emcee cantor he was exposed to as a youngin'— think Tupac and Wiz Khalifa— and on the other, a timeless, nostalgia dripping songstress, with a propensity for garnishing her releases with their respective visual accompaniments.

Together, they reach into their "pop-culture" titled sonic handbag and deliver "WILL & JADA," a song drawing influence from the gossip dripping celebrity relationship.

Here, between the gyrating sonics of punchy R&B production, riffing clean-amplified electric guitars, Joséphine's vocals take flight atop a hooking top-line and a grooving "four to the floor" cadence. It isn't until one minute into the bouncy beat that you're met with George Khouri's low-resounding versifications; it's a Tupac-like tone where free-thinking and sister-respecting is the central ethos.

Over his verses, he dispenses tangible bars that traverse between the seasons of love, channeling into a narrative that surrounds the Smith's infamous relationship. As you thump forward past the revolving filtering doors through one passage hook to the next, the mantra of this track sticks like adhesive to your memory, "do you think we'll ever love again, got to keep moving on, I'ma have to show yah." It's almost mesmerizing when you realize the unobtrusively infatuating synergism between the two artists' voices when they resound, "still not letting go!" together.

When thinking back about the stars and planets aligning to bring this collaboration together over the buzzings of "WILL & JADA," don't feel surprised by the after-glow it adorns you, as you relish over the conquering feeling this song diffuses from the first moments the air pressure reached your ears. 

Hello George and Joséphine, thank you for sitting down with us to discuss your latest collaboration, "WILL & JADA." Can you run down how you produced this track? Where did it start, with pen and paper, a beat and a top-line, or a sample and a DAW?

The production of this track started with the instrumental just like most of our songs. We felt out the vibe of the music, and the song concept was the first thing that came to us. The bass guitar melody in the intro of Will & Jada has set such a warm and “heartfelt” mood. 

What were the primary emotions each of you needed to tap-into for your performances on this track?

The primary emotion we tapped into this song was 100% “vulnerability.” We completely let our guards down and performed with sincerity.  It was important for us to do this to express how we both felt about Will and Jada’s handlings of their relationship challenges. While the internet was making fun of their situation, we championed their vulnerability and courage to make things work.

What is your favorite part about collaborating together, and what do you think makes your duo so successful in your musical inclinations?

Our favorite part about collaborating is structuring our songs to have the perfect balance between Joséphine’s singing and my rapping. It’s always an exciting back and forth.

We are successful in our musical inclinations because we speak from such open and honest female and male perspectives. It’s a treasure to have both of these insights on the same song. 

If you could preface this song by giving us a few words that would act as a Prologue for the experience behind "WILL & JADA," what would they be, and why? 

Will and Jada have shown us that it’s possible to overcome anything in a relationship, especially when you put love before pride. This song explores all the seasons of love.

What has been keeping you inspired in 2020

More time inside in 2020 means more time in the studio.   

This has only brought us closer to our craft. For any artist, now is the time to tap in and create more than ever!


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