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Dvfflebvg Ruggv Shines a Light on Street Issues With “PAID"

The DMV artist DvffleBvg Ruggv is someone who constantly keeps pushing to ignite new trends in musical styles. This becomes evidently true in his release “PAID”, the combination of being able to adapt to different listening moods, and DvffleBvg Ruggv’s bold and relatable lyricism make for an unforgettable experience. Pulling in influences from different styles like trap and rap, DvffleBvg Ruggv will be able to keep you on the edge of your seat as you listen to his music.

Being based out of DMV allows for DvffleBvg Ruggv to express himself freely, with every artist there having their own unique sound DvffleBvg Ruggv is able to make his own footprint in the community that will be remembered time and time again. Especially in his songwriting,  DvffleBvg Ruggv keeps a very honest relatable approach, in “PAID” the underlining story of people taking advantage of others happens far too often in the world and he is here to shine a light and inspire people to be better. From "PAID" initially being something that would be a part of DvffleBvg Ruggv's 'Facing Death' mixtape to suddenly becoming its own single, it was clear upon listening that this release would be the next chapter in DvffleBvg Ruggv's career. DvffleBvg Ruggv is ready for 2020 with new releases to come soon and we are ready to listen.

You can discover "PAID" here.


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