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Eclectic Artist DOSSEL Releases “AMNST” Leaving A Beautiful Resonance Behind

Based in Rio de Janeiro, DOSSEL is a solo project from the composer and music producer Roberto Barrucho. Roberto started into art as a child at Waldorf School and started to compose at the age of 15 years, which hasn’t slowed. His songs have played by 'Mahmundi' around Brazil and also some countries in Europe. In 2017, Roberto then started his own project (DOSSEL) that is mixed up with elements from contemporary music and results from research in Brazilian music from the 1960’s and 1970’s. DOSSEL and the partners included in this project are evolved artists, musicians and producers. He has then since released singles, video clips and in 2019 his first solo album will be available.

“AMNST” is a unique, and beautiful melody that has various depths of imagination. This song requires multiple listens as there are so many technical parts of each instrument, it lures you in to listen to each part carefully. A beautiful portrait is drawn throughout leaving the mind to wander, and escape into what feels like an older time. I love how the vocals sound like he is singing to the listener through a radio, making it very subtle and relaxing. There is a certain rasp to his voice that entrances and really gives this song extra personality along with the feeling you can clearly hear embossed into the lyrics. The brass instruments closer to the end have such a powerful addition to this story that compliments the mysteriousness of this enchanting record with such emotion coming out. Each note is so precise and each individual sound blends perfectly together into a breathtaking resonance. I felt transported to the streets of Rio de Janeiro while listening, seeing the glorious views and taking in the beauty around that has been emulated so well through this down to earth tune. This is a truly enchanting contemporary rendition of music and was incredibly impressed at how profoundly the music has been presented.

Listen to "AMNST" here and get to know more about DOSSEL below!

Hey! Love your sound! Can you tell us a little about yourself?

OK, lets do that. Roberto Barrucho (me) is a middle son in a huge family. Half Brazilian, half Portuguese, i had grown up in the center of Rio de Janeiro, really close to the carnival parties in Sambódromo. Then, because of this non-choice of listening music, in the beginning of everything, i was kind of far from Brazilian music. That was too loud for me. The streets were too crowded, i could not connect to stuffs that they were singing and the rhythms were too fast for me. After while started the carioca melody funk also really close from the flat where i lived. Those grooves in the last room glass started to make fun to me. I liked that kind of music, then me and my sisters and brothers started to make like an little event inviting friends to list that loud music from the Mineira community close where we live. My first school at 3 was based on Waldorf method, following the Rudolph Steiner philosophy, then i had contact to arts in general: painting, music, dancing, all this stimulus i think were determinant to develop my interest and mood for produce music and art.

What different types of instruments can we listen for in this song?

This song started at the acoustic guitar, but since the first ideas it has come the synth together, to empower the deep feeling of the lyric. After the basic harmony was done, the percussion came like a perfect ambient for what we wanted to transmit. The Wurlitzer electric piano conversation with the acoustic guitar softly as it has to be. Then the semi-acoustic bass reinforces the deep atmosphere, with the delayed guitars in the background putting everything suspended. The trombone is like a bonus that translate kind of beauty melancholy in this solitude song.

What inspired you to write such a beautiful song like “AMNST”?

It's about the running days in a big city. The contemporary times where we are losing our sensibility far from nature. Away from our essence and the our original force. The 'cerrado' that we sing in this song is like a place to relax, to meet ourselves, our state of peace and empowerment. Its also like an imaginary place, connected to our nature. It's about to go deep and bring to the surface our best version of ourselves. Connecting our shinning side to the shadows. Slowing down from a running life and taking time to care about us. Ending our not-thinking process, like working in stuffs we don't love, doing stuffs to answer outside requires, just because everybody is doing that.

Where is one place you would love to perform?

A real concert place that we love in Rio is the Circo Voador. Its from 80's and many of important Brazilian and also foreigners had played there. I lived their special moments. It has an amazing acoustic. In parallel i would really love to perform in a festival happening in the a forest. In a green area, with rivers and trees, where people could hang around there, there is some festival doing that, like Bahidora Carnival, in Mexico. I think all the background and the atmosphere would make sense and help to connect the people to the music I'm doing.

What new and exciting things do you have in store for 2019?

In the middle of the year, i mean, after July, the full album will be released. Until there we probably gonna make another video clip and performing videos. To the album release we gonna plan a Brazilian tour, in the southwest at least, but planning Northwest and maybe New York. I think that our music would be well reccepted in Portugal too. Just the time will say. We have this wishes and we gonna work to make it happen. The album will be release also in LP, vinyl format, cause we love analog music. 


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