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Exclusive Interview: Catch Up With Visenya!

Hey Visenya! it's great to have you on our BuzzMusic platform. Let's talk a little about your background as a band. how did you meet and what made you decide to pursue music together?

Thanks for having us! I (James) met Chris and Nick in high school. I started working at Quick Chek with Chris and showed him some instrumentals I wrote with our original bassist Kyle and he was instantly down with it. I got Nick to play guitar when he came into work one time (Nick went to a different high school). He eventually left and then came back as our drummer when I convinced him to give it a shot. I met Brian in middle school through our mutual friend Javi, and we've been good friends since then. I asked him to play bass for us almost 2 years ago when we were parting ways with our original bassist. He had never played in a legitimate band (though he has been a musician for years) and he said my passion for the music convinced him to play with us. The 4 of us clicked instantly.

What are some of the main themes behind most of your songs?

The songs on our EP are centered around things like self-doubt, fear of not having enough time to accomplish your goals and aspirations, cognitive dissonance, relationships (good and bad), anxiety, etc. I write about my own specific situations, but I feel like people can relate to the broad theme of them, which is why we called the EP 'Common Place'.

We heard you have an upcoming video release! tell us about this. can you hint the concept of the video to our readers?

We have a bunch of content that we're planning on releasing very soon! We have a shoot for a video at the end of the month, and we're coming up with visual concepts at the moment. Your computer screen will glitch out, and it's gonna be aesthetically reminiscent of our EP's cover art.

What was the most challenging aspect in shooting your music video? How did you overcome this obstacle?

Since we haven't shot it yet, I'll just say that coming up with a concept has been a challenge. We don't want it to be too generic and boring, and we want it to have a B-storyline since our first video for "Simple Conversations" didn't have that, but we don't want it to be so much that it takes away too much from the music. The director we're working with is the man, and we know we're in good hands once we solidify exactly what we're gonna do.

What's next for Visenya?

Video shoot, playing more shows (hopefully some out of state shows), writing new music, trying to get attention however we can. Right now we're trying to work on getting streaming numbers up and just sharing the EP around, so follow us on Facebook, Instagram, and Twitter (@visenyaband) and show your friends our music :)

Check out Visenya's track "Simple Conversations" here!


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