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Exclusive Interview With Cincinnati Singer-Songwriter M.Lowe

Hey M.Lowe! We're loving your new track "Stmwtd"! What inspired this song? 

This song is about pressure I was facing from my parents and girlfriend at the time I wrote it. 

What emotions did you channel when creating it?

The main emotions I channeled when writing this song were frustration and fear (of disappointing those people close to me). 

What lyrics do you think hold the most impact throughout "Stmwtd"? Why?

“Sorry I complain too much, but I didn’t choose to get screwed up” is the most important line in this song. I had really rough relationships with the people closest to me at the time I wrote this song because of a bunch of things that were out of my control. 

Where is the best setting to listen to your songs, and what do you hope people take away from them?

I’ve heard from a handful of people that my music is perfect for driving home late at night by yourself. I think that’s really cool and I agree with that because most of my music is calm, slow, and reflective.

What are your main aspirations as an artist going forward?

As an artist all I hope for myself is to be able to continue with music as my full time career.


Connect with M.Lowe on Instagram.

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