San Francisco R&B brother-sister duo Maiyio x Chaiyia releases two of the most textured, deep, and passionate tracks to ever grace BuzzMusic, with "Downside Up" and "Good Enough (For You)."
Influenced by rhythm and blues, Maiyio x Chaiyia creates a silky smooth atmosphere through each note. You will notice both tracks, "Downside Up" and "Good Enough (For You)" take on that heartwarming and mellow atmosphere while Maiyio and Chaiyia spill their musical souls out for us to connect with. Maiyio x Chaiyia's vocals compliment each other perfectly on both tracks, yet tie in different heartfelt messages full of emotion.
Taking a listen to the first track released earlier this year "Downside Up," starts with soft melancholy piano chords moving into a subtle R&B beat, the song exudes deep passion and the wanting to be around someone's energy. Maiyio x Chaiyia jostles back and forth, singing verses full of conundrums of how to love someone when you get nothing in return. A saddened love song, a soft and steady beat ground the piece which emphasizes Maiyio x Chaiyia's vocals charged with purity and love.
Moving on to the next track, "Good Enough (For You)," the beat starts with melodic keyboard notes that highlight prime R&B instrumentals. As Maiyio x Chaiyia's vocals appear, you're easily put into a trance through their dynamic back and forth, and not to mention the radiant harmonies they incorporate. Singing about wondering whether someone will love you for who you are, not who they want you to be, Maiyio x Chaiyia sing with incredible strength, both bringing beautiful melisma to emphasize their profound messages. The never-changing beat maintains it's steady composure throughout the track, centering Maiyio x Chaiyia's vocals.
Maiyio x Chaiyia's ability to lay down heartfelt emotion, and trigger mind-boggling thoughts about love with both tracks "Downside Up" and "Good Enough (For You)" will leave you mesmerized. Maiyio x Chaiyia may be up and comers, but their music is definitely timeless.

Hey Maiyio x Chaiyia, welcome to BuzzMusic! We’d like to say how impressed we were with both your heartfelt singles “Downside Up” and “Good Enough (For You)”. Were the songs inspired by the same sort of scenario, or something entirely different from each other?
Thank you for welcoming us. We are very appreciative of this opportunity.
“Downside Up” and “Good Enough (For You)” are extensions of each other, but are written about different life experiences. Despite both songs being inspired by different experiences, the feelings and sentiment within “Downside Up” and “Good Enough (For You)” come from the same place. Both songs exemplify how we both were feeling during low points in relationships or friendships.
Seeing as Maiyio x Chaiyia are a brother and sister duo, both of you bring a brilliant back and forth dynamic within both tracks “Downside Up” and “Good Enough (For You)”. How does being siblings impact your creative process, did you face any challenges when creating both tracks?
That back and forth dynamic is based on the fact that we are not only siblings but best friends. We’ve grown up being there for each other, at our highest and lowest moments, and have spent the majority of our lives together. That closeness feeds into our sound and our creative process. We bring different artistic perspectives and musical abilities to the table and we are not threatened by each other's strengths, but instead, heavily rely on each other to fill in gaps where we individually have room for growth. Based on the fact that we are siblings and best friends, it also makes it easier to get over our disagreements because we value each other, more than any small dispute or conflict. Our creative and musical processes are extremely messy, unidirectional, and tasking, but immensely rewarding. When we were creating “Downside Up” and “Good Enough (For You)” it was a fairly challenging process because it was our first time recording in a studio. Prior to this we sang and recorded from the comfort of our home. Writing both songs pulled us out of our comfort zones, and challenged us to be not only vulnerable with each other, but also with others.
We can’t help but hear a little storyline as we listen to the first single “Downside Up”, then the second single “Good Enough (For You)”. It seems as though Maiyio x Chaiyia is growing from sadness into something more independent. Is this the case? If not, how do these two singles relate to each other?
Yes, we think that with “Downside Up” and “Good Enough (For You)” a storyline is in the making. Both songs explore themes of self-esteem, self-worth, love and loss. When we wrote “Downside Up” we wanted to narrate a conversation between two people that are holding onto a broken love, and are deciding to stay in that relationship. “Downside Up” calls into question the timeless contemplation of prioritizing one's needs or one's wants in love. “Good Enough (For You)”, similarly calls attention to the inner dialogue and outer conversations one has with themselves and their partner, in a non-reciprocal relationship. Both songs are a stepping stone in our coming of age in love.
We’ve heard that “Downside Up” and “Good Enough (For You)'' were Maiyio x Chaiyia’s debut releases. Seeing as you’re just starting out, would you like to share with our readers some morals that Maiyio x Chaiyia live by, and how you reflect these morals into your music?
At a young age, the importance of love was instilled in both of us. We were taught to love and respect each other, and all people, despite our differences. Moreover, we were taught the importance of honesty and staying true to oneself. These early lessons in life have shaped how we currently tackle music and use our voices to express and highlight different parts of our character and identity. We believe in the power of storytelling and believe in the inclusion of all people. We value honesty and truth and strive for our music to normalize conversations about everyday struggles and insecurities. We hope that through our singles “Downside Up” and “Good Enough (For You)” you hear and sense the vulnerability in the lyrics, and we hope these stories resonate with everyone. Our music is very reflective of how we were raised and is also heavily influenced by being from San Francisco, California.
What's next for you?
Currently, we are working on another single to follow up to “Good Enough (For You)” and hope we can release it in early August. We are both anxious and excited to get back in the studio so we can complete our first EP and begin brainstorming ideas for our second project. We have a lot of great material that we want to share. We are thankful and appreciative of everyone who has taken the time to listen to our music, and for those who have decided to join us on this exciting journey. We hope that our music resonates with you all, and hope that you are being represented through our music.